Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Your Fault: Hotcoldwet Dry And Land Use Could Make Flooding Worse

In other words, most land use, but, the climate cult will never not blame anthropogenic climate change Climate change and land-use changes increase likelihood of flood events The German government estimates the total losses resulting from the disastrous floods in July 2021 at 32 billion euros. In two studies, one of which is currently available […]

Climate Cultist Attributes Big Waves In Hawaii To Hotcoldwetdry

I saying, it’s a cult that attributes everything to their cult beliefs The average per century is 6-8 inches per century. Hawaii is at around 6 inches. A Holocene warm period should be over 12 per century. Data is more important than fearmongering — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 19, 2022 Pretty wild […]

Your Fault: Climate Doom Is An Existential Threat To Surfing

Surfing is something I did a lot growing up, but, now, rarely, since I live so far from the beach. This would almost be enough to turn me into a climate cultist, except it’s still a bunch of mule fritters scaremongering CLIMATE CHANGE IS AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO SURFING From sea-level rise to extreme weather […]

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Seen In Your Menu

These hysterical, deranged, phrenetic climate cultists really are almost flat earthers, thinking that things on Earth should never ever change. And the crap they come up with to write about is very, very silly You Can Spot Climate Change in Old Restaurant Menus Vancouver, British Columbia, is nothing short of a seafood paradise. Situated at […]

Your Fault: Every Heat Wave Is Now Worse

I’d ask if they were comparing the heat waves during this warm period with previous Holocene warm periods, but, first, that is almost impossible, and second, the climate cultists wouldn’t care, yammering on about this time being different because you won’t give up your fossil fueled vehicle, money, and freedom (it’s behind the paywall, but, […]

It’s Show Your Stripes Of Climate Doom Day Or Something

It’s another day for climate cultists to climavirtue signal while making almost no changes in their own lives #ShowYourStripes Day seeks to spread climate change awareness The recent temperatures in Minnesota have felt like late August, but Tuesday marks the official start to summer. It’s the summer solstice, so you’ll see plenty of sun as […]

Your Fault: Sriracha Is In A Nationwide Shortage

If only you had given up your modern lifestyle and allowed government to control your life There’s a nationwide Sriracha shortage, and climate change may be to blame Sorry, Sriracha fans, your favorite hot sauce is running out nationwide. The company that makes Sriracha, Huy Fong Foods, wrote in an email to customers in late […]

Too Much Plant Food Likely To Slow Plant Growth Or Something

You know, because a tiny increase in the global temperatures since 1850 are super bad Climate Change Likely to Slow Plant Growth in Northern Hemisphere Plants are a highly effective carbon sink. Globally, forests absorb about 7.6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, about 1.5 times the annual emissions of the United States. Since […]

Say, Are Reports Of Climate Apocalypse Making Things Worse?

The Baltimore Sun has thoughts, as reprinted in the Daily Jefferson County Union Climate change: Are reports of our doom making matters worse? Even the most casual observer of current events has to admit there is much to be gloomy about. From public health (monkeypox and COVID-19 variants) to mass shootings (Buffalo, New York, and […]

Vox Notices That It’s A Really Bad Idea To Give Kids Climate Anxiety

Yeah, they’re about 10 years too late Stop telling kids that climate change will destroy their world Some “climate anxiety” is the product of telling kids — falsely — that they have no future. My 5-year-old daughter is now old enough to read a lot of books and magazines aimed at children, and it’s given […]

Pirate's Cove