Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

On ‘Climate Change’, Delay Means Death Or Something

CNN, which has, so far, refused to give up their own use of fossil fuels to run their operations, is really taking the newish UN IPCC report to a new doomy level ‘Delay means death’: We’re running out of ways to adapt to the climate crisis, new report shows. Here are the key takeaways Climate […]

Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ Could Maybe Possibly Make Health Worse

This is all because the UN IPCC report is coming out. There are all sorts of fear-mongering articles out there, and here’s one Global health has improved for decades. Climate change could change that. As temperatures warm, the health risks of climate change are expected to intensify in the U.S. and worldwide. The effects of […]

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change” Makes Some Feel Like Hostages

What is needed are more mental health professionals who won’t coddle these cultists, who will tell the politicians, news media folks, and those pushing climate crisis doom to just stop it ‘Climate hostages’: Overwhelming impacts of climate change have many feeling trapped The original headline, “Ecopsychologist discusses how climate change makes many people feel like […]

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Could Maybe Lead To 50% Increase In Wildfires

If by anthropogenic climate change, they mean a bunch of idiots and pyros causing wildfires, sure. Otherwise, this is simply more scaremongering from the UN IPCC in their upcoming report Climate Scientists Warn of a ‘Global Wildfire Crisis’ Worsening heat and dryness could lead to a 50 percent rise in off-the-charts fires, according to a […]

Seas Could Maybe Possibly We Feel Rise One Foot By 2050, Dooming Us All Or Something

Seas only rose 8 inches during the entire 20th Century. Sea rise is not accelerating. To have a one foot sea rise by 2050 is simply scaremongering, but, that’s what this cult does best Seas could rise up to a foot by 2050, posing ‘a clear and present risk’ to U.S. Sea levels along U.S. […]

Your Fault: SW Drought Worst In 1,200 Years (or something)

We can fix this with a tax and forcing all of you to take out 10 year loans for an EV, you know Western drought fueled by climate change is the worst in 1,200 years, scientists say The megadrought gripping the American West has generated the driest two decades in the region in at least […]

Your Fault: Earth Might Maybe Possibly Hit 1.5C Within 10 Years

They feel it might happen, and this is your fault for refusing to buy an EV at the same price as a tiny house Earth is likely just a decade a way from hitting 1.5°C of global warming — and scientists say it will be “catastrophic” for coral reefs The United Nations has warned the […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Going To Soon Starve The Ocean Of Oxygen Or Something

What happens if this does not happen? Who will be held responsible for their scaremongering prognostications? Oh, right, they made it 50 years out Climate change has likely begun to suffocate the world’s fisheries By 2080, around 70% of the world’s oceans could be suffocating from a lack of oxygen as a result of climate […]

Your Fault: Kidney Stones To Get Worse From Climate Crisis (scam)

Thanks, you horrible carbon pollution spewing person wants to force Other People to practice what you preach Take that, skeptics!: "Their model found that by 2089, kidney stone incidence would increase by 2.2 per cent in the first scenario, and by 3.9 per sent in the second" — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 11, 2022 […]

Climate Doom Today: Feral Hogs, Drastic CO2 Cuts Worthless, Radioactive Wildfires

Oh, this is some great stuff. First I found this cult beauty Feral hog invasions leave coastal marshes less resilient to climate change Coastal marshes that have been invaded by feral hogs recover from natural disasters up to three times slower, and are significantly less resilient to climate change, according to a recent study from Duke University […]

Pirate's Cove