Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

“Experts” Say Climate Doom Will Make Bridges Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys Or Something

Another day, another prognostication of doom. Do any of the climate youts even know what tinkertoys are? Climate Change Can Cause Bridges to ‘Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys,’ Experts Say On a 95-degree day this summer, New York City’s Third Avenue Bridge, connecting the Bronx and Manhattan, got stuck in the open position for hours. As […]

Your Fault: Hiker Deaths Increase In Grand Canyon

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with more and more idiots trying to take selfies and vids of themselves for social media while hiking into areas they are unprepared for and/or dangerous, right, just like we’ve seen the “influencers” do for years now, especially post-COVID? Nope, you fault Hiker deaths in Grand Canyon rise […]

Bummer: Corals That Survive Climate Doom Will Be Difference Or Something

It’s not like corals have survived for over 500 million years, changing up a bit over that time, including from hot and cold periods, from ice ages, from warmth, from higher and lower seas, from the continents moving around, from underwater volcanoes, from the development of all sorts of sea life, from iceball Earth. I […]

UN Head Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Complain About Sea Rise

All the way to Tonga UN chief calls rising seas a ‘worldwide catastrophe’ Highlighting seas that are rising at an accelerating rate, especially in the far more vulnerable Pacific island nations, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres issued yet another climate SOS to the world. This time he said those initials stand for “save our seas.” […]

AP Manages To Drag Climate Crisis (scam) Into Story About Herding Cows In Nigeria’s Capitol City

Much of Nigeria is arid, and has been for centuries, especially the northern areas, which tend to see 20 inches or less a year of rain. The Sahara Desert has been encroaching on northern Nigeria for at least 5,000 years, and, scientists think that the area would have been considered a desert even during the […]

Climate Cult Decides To Fearmonger Over Two Day Or Less Shipping

If you’re thinking climate cultists are sitting around going “hmm, what can we link to our doomsday cult?”, you’re entirely correct, and it matters not if it is some rando cultist on Twitter or CNBC The two-day or less shipping Americans have come to expect faces a climate change threat Customers have come to expect […]

Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Means Your Windshield Wipers Are Moving Fast Enough

From the mind of hyper-Warmist Marshall Shepherd comes this delightful tale of climate doom, which is a new one Are Your Wiper Blades Moving Fast Enough For Today’s Rainstorms? Much of the content that I write about comes from the convergence of routine life and being an atmospheric scientist. Yesterday, my family and I were […]

Climate Doom To Make Las Vegas Super Hotter By 2050

There are climate cult over-reaches, and then there is this A month more 100 degree days’: Climate change will roast Las Vegas By the middle of the century, it’s going to be a lot hotter in Las Vegas, according to climate change models that were discussed this week at the 2024 Water Summit. “We’re going […]

Your Fault: They’re Growing Mangoes In Greece Now

This is supposed to show the doom of a slightly warming world, and what a whopping 1.6F increase since 1850 has done. The cult is always looking for the next doom Growing mangoes in Greece is the latest bizarre climate change experiment as droughts become the norm Stirring the leaves of a shrub on his […]

Obviously, Hurricane Debbie Was All Your Fault

It’s all so tiresome Debby drenched the southeast: Climate change is making storms like this even wetter Tropical Storm Debby, a plodding, waterlogged system that has already saturated four southeastern states, bears many characteristics of a warming planet, climate scientists say. It’s reminiscent of other catastrophic tropical cyclones that have battered the United States over […]

Pirate's Cove