Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Blamed For Bad West Coast Weather

I was just waiting for this to show up somewhere in the news. Of course the little Warmists were doing this on social media, now we’re jumping into the bigger outlets Record-breaking California bomb cyclone linked to climate change The record-breaking bomb cyclone that barreled into the West Coast with the force of a hurricane […]

Warmists Scaremonger Over A Flooded DC, People Wonder Why This Would Be Bad

The cult is at it again with their un-scientific photoshops This is a cult based pseudoscience. The Reflecting Pool is 9 meters above sea level, that's 29.5 feet. Sea rise was 8 inches during the 20th century, and is not accelerating. #ClimateCrisisScam — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 21, 2021 From the […]

Climate Changed Killed Off The Mammoth, Which Is Bad News For Humans Or Something

They’re rock bottom certain that a warming world may might possibly we feel killed off the Mammoths Climate Change Wiped Out the Mammoth, New DNA Study Shows A decade-long study of environmental DNA indicates that glacial melt may have doomed the hairy animals. Does the study say it or not? Because that “may” is rather […]

Your Fault: French Honey Harvest Expected To Be Worst In Decades From Climate Crisis (scam)

You refuse to get rid of your fossil fueled vehicle and get an EV. Or take the bus. Or rail. Or an eco-bike. You eat Evil red meat. Take long showers. Have an ice maker. And don’t get out there and march with Fridays For Future. For shame! French beekeepers expect worst harvest in decades […]

Climate Cult Photoshops Pictures To Show Future Sea Rise Doom

I had planned on ignoring this, since climate cultists have done this before, but, it is making the rounds in the media, and, heck, even Bored Panda (which is a good link to look at to see a lot of the photoshops) They aren't images. They're photoshops based on shady data. Some of them require […]

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry To Affect 85% Of Human Population

I’ve been begging you folks to stop using fossil fuels, stop eating meat, take 2 minute showers once a week, go back to using a landline, and giving up all your freedom to government, but, no, you don’t want to listen Human-induced climate change may affect 85% of the global population, researchers say Scientists are […]

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Is An Existential Threat To Outdoor Activities

I was going to touch on this ridiculous piece on how electric vehicles cost so much less over time, because, for one thing, people rarely keep their vehicles for 15 years (the average is 4 years). But, this is is more fun in being bat guano insane Study: Climate change poses an existential threat to […]

Climate Disaster Today: Peaches And Antarctica

Today’s prognostication of Doom is about peaches Climate may harm the future of Georgia’s state symbol, the peach. But there may be answers. Lush, fuzzy, delicious: the Georgia peach is a succulent state symbol. But human-caused climate change could spell doom for Georgia’s peach crops – and the threat has begun to affect the area. […]

Your Fault: Jet Stream Moving North From Climate Emergency

Hey, remember how the climate cultists said that the jet stream was moving south because of ‘climate change’? Like The idea, first put forth in a 2012 paper by Jennifer Francis, now at the Woodwell Climate Research Center, and Stephen Vavrus, at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, is that two well-established trends — Arctic amplification (intensified […]

We’re Saved: Spain Trots Out “Drowning Girl” Sculpture

We’re still on the spreading awareness and scaremongering, rather than Warmists practicing what they preach A dramatic new sculpture of a drowning girl in a Spanish river hints at a dark future. It’s titled, ‘Tomorrow.’ On Spain’s northern coast, residents awoke to a shocking sight last week. The head of a young girl was nearly […]

Pirate's Cove