Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Your Fault: Oldest Tree In Eastern US Could Be In Danger From ‘Climate Change’

If only your ancestors had forgone the Industrial Revolution and chosen to live like it was 799 The oldest tree in eastern US survived millennia – but rising seas could kill it A wizened eastern bald cypress dwells in an expanse of North Carolina’s wetlands. It lives among a cluster of eastern bald cypress trees […]

Say, How Many People Are Being Killed Because You Took A Fossil Fueled Trip?

What else is a doomsday cult to do but prognosticate more doom? A Carbon Calculation: How Many Deaths Do Emissions Cause? What is the cost of our carbon footprint — not just in dollars, but in lives? According to a paper published on Thursday, it is soberingly high, and perhaps high enough to help shift […]

Your Fault: Climate Crisis To Drive Record Shattering Heat Extremes

All because you won’t give up meat, move into a tiny home in a big city, and give your money to government Climate change will drive rise in ‘record-shattering’ heat extremes “Record-shattering” extremes – which break weather records by large margins – will become more likely as a result of climate change, a new study […]

Hotcoldwetdry Scientists Meet To Put Together Doom Document Ahead Of Next UN Climate Crisis (scam) Meeting

On the bright side, they are supposedly doing this virtually, saving their huge fossil fueled travel for the meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, in November. Because floods and droughts and fire and heat waves never happened before Climate Scientists Meet As Floods, Fires, Droughts And Heat Waves Batter Countries More than 200 of the world’s leading […]

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Be Supercharging Poison Ivy

How dare you! This is all your fault Climate change is making poison ivy stronger and itchier Carbon dioxide and warmer soils could be supercharging everyone’s least favorite plant. It either is or isn’t. Could implies that they don’t know, but, then, when has the Cult of Climastrology ever needed scientific facts and proof? Poison […]

Floods Hit European Towns, Immediately Blamed On You Refusing To Buy An EV

Climate change is here, y’all! We can stop it with a tax European officials say ‘climate change has arrived’ as deadly floods engulf entire towns European officials have said climate change contributed to this week’s extreme flooding, which has left entire towns submerged and more than 120 people dead. Scientists have for decades warned that climate […]

Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Is Reducing San Francisco’s Fog!

Um, whether climate change is mostly/solely man-caused, mostly/solely natural, or some combination, wouldn’t this be a good thing, since fog leads to crashes, one of the leading causes of deadly accidents? Climate Change Decreasing Bay Area Fog The Bay Area is known around the world for it’s classic fog pattern that rolls through the Golden […]

Your Fault: 8 Billion Could Maybe Possibly Be At Risk From Malaria And Dengue

Gee, if only enviro-weenies hadn’t banned the use of DDT. And you hadn’t taken that fossil fueled trip to the beach Climate crisis ‘may put 8bn at risk of malaria and dengue’ More than 8 billion people could be at risk of malaria and dengue fever by 2080 if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise […]

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Made Heat Wave 150 Times More Likely Or Something

Of course this is being Blamed on anthropogenic climate change Climate change made North America’s deadly heatwave 150 times more likely The devastating heatwave that struck parts of Canada and the United States late last month would have been extremely unlikely without global warming, researchers have concluded. The chance of temperatures in the Pacific Northwest […]

Your Fault: Almost 10% Of Global Deaths From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Thanks for taking all those fossil fueled trips post lockdown and eating meat during your vacation meals. This is on you Climate Change Linked to 5 Million Deaths a Year, New Study Shows The extraordinarily hot and cold temperatures that are becoming more common as climate change accelerates are responsible for 5 million deaths globally […]

Pirate's Cove