July 7, 2021 – 3:52 pm
You just had to take that fossil fueled trip to get an Evil burger, eh? Thanks Dragonflies are losing their wing color because of climate change, study shows As the planet warms, a study found that male dragonflies are losing a crucial feature they typically use to attract female mates: the ornate black patterns on […]
July 7, 2021 – 7:10 am
Would this be the class of scientists who aren’t shady and the ones who fraudulently obtain documents? That would be Peter Gleick, who authors this piece on climamoonbattery The climate crisis will create two classes: those who can flee, and those who cannot A few years ago, after I gave a talk on water and […]
July 6, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Other than being optimistic on enabling Government authoritarianism, are they optimistic on anything? Or, is it primarily doom and gloom? Why the left cannot afford to be optimistic about climate change Two reports released this month communicated in stark terms that whatever we may once have hoped about the future, even as recently as 18 […]
June 26, 2021 – 7:11 am
I was hoping to move on from the climate cult’s linking of the Sunrise building collapse with their cult beliefs, but, this one is too nutty to ignore The Miami Building Collapse Is a Warning When I saw Thursday morning that a condominium building had partially collapsed near Miami Beach, the first question I had […]
June 23, 2021 – 4:14 pm
There was no point trying to come up with a new headline. The original has all the fearmongering needed. And all because you refuse to give up your fossil fueled vehicle and moo cow burgers, getting an electric vehicle to go get a veggie burger instead Crushing climate impacts to hit sooner than feared: draft […]
June 21, 2021 – 3:00 pm
All because you just had to have that steak from an Evil moo cow and drive to the beach Climate crisis in Western US worst in 1,200 years As the population in the Western United States continues to grow, 72 percent of these states are experiencing a considerably “severe†drought, including 26 percent experiencing exceptional […]
June 19, 2021 – 7:10 am
Maybe people aren’t cultists and realize that bad weather happens, and has always happened? Or, perhaps for those who are cultists they aren’t willing to give up their own big carbon lives Study: Extreme weather may not lead to increased support for climate action For some Americans, the signs of global warming are everywhere. In […]
June 18, 2021 – 7:44 am
Now that China Joe is in the White House the climate cultists/activists at NASA feel emboldened to start trotting out their doom and gloom, and now that summer is almost here they’re going to make sure it is really Doomy Earth is trapping ‘unprecedented’ amount of heat, Nasa says The Earth is trapping nearly twice […]
June 10, 2021 – 8:17 am
I’m sure they would be very happy with cutting off the food supply to those pesky “minorities” in 3rd World Nations. The Cult of Climastrology has always been primarily made up of uber white Leftists in 1st World nations. It’s easy for them to be Concerned about the climate crisis scam, as they’re lives are […]
June 9, 2021 – 3:00 pm
We’ll also blame your great great grandparents for daring to innovate and move prosperity forward with the industrial revolution Climate change: 167 million homes could be wiped out by 2040, warns charity The world could lose 8.4 million homes a year between now and 2040, if extreme weather events continue to increase at current rates, […]