Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Doom Today: Climate Crisis Could Threaten Apples Or Something

This is so horrible. No more apple pies. No more apples fritters. No more apple donuts. No more Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. No more apple sauce. No more apples in pig’s mouths Michigan apple growers see threat of climate change crisis through spread of fire blight Patrick and Sara McGuire have been growing apples since they […]

Bummer: The Media Not Fear-Mongering Enough On ‘Climate Change’ Is Dispiriting

The UK Guardian, which has been the main propaganda arm of the Cult of Climastrology for decades, is very upset that other media outlets won’t join them in their fear-mongering to the degree they want The media is still mostly failing to convey the urgency of the climate crisis The TV newsman Bill Moyers likes […]

Canada To Soon Face Mega-Hurricanes From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Canada will be facing not just hurricanes, but mega-hurricanes, all because you just had to take fossil fueled trips to get juicy and evil burgers Canada Faces Mega-Hurricanes if Climate Change Pushes Storms North: Swiss Re Warns Climate change is making hurricanes bigger and stronger, and it may soon push them farther north. Yet Canada’s […]

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Added $8 Billion To Hurricane Sandy’s Damages

If only you hadn’t taken that fossil fueled trip to eat and Evil burger, this wouldn’t have happened. If you’d just agree to give your money and freedom to government we could solve this Climate Change Added $8 Billion to Hurricane Sandy’s Damages As Hurricane Sandy bore down on the New York City area in […]

Climate Today: High Flying Kerry, Patronizing Blacks, Eczema

Let’s see what climate envoy John Kerry (he was in Vietnam, you know) is up to US climate envoy Kerry meets with pope on climate crisis John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s climate envoy, met privately with Pope Francis on Saturday, afterward calling the pope a “compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis” […]

New One: Climate Crisis (scam) Affecting Space Junk

This is a new one, but, then since the Cult of Climastrology is always dragging more and more stuff into their doomsday ideology, it should be expected, and the timing is interesting after that huge Chinese piece of space crap crashed the other day Space junk could be made worse by increasing climate change There […]

EPA Cultmongers That US Has Entered Unprecedented Climate Territory Or Something

Gotta keep that power and funding going, rather than focusing on actual, real environmental issues. Hey, perhaps something like the Flint water crisis could have been avoided, eh? U.S. has entered unprecedented climate territory, EPA warns For years, President Donald Trump and his deputies played down the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil […]

Hotcold Take: Coral Reefs Could Maybe Possibly Stop Growing In 10 Years From Carbon Pollution

See, it doesn’t matter that so many coral reefs started under much warmer sea temperatures and much higher sea levels, nor that corals rather like warm water. They are mostly not cold water sea life. This is all probably your fault, though Coral reefs could stop growing in 10 years unless greenhouse gases are significantly […]

Hotcold Take: Pennsylvania To Warm 5.9F By 2050

The doomsday climate cult has to doomsday, you know Pennsylvania projected to warm 5.9 degrees by 2050, state climate report says The Wolf administration issued a report Wednesday projecting that the average annual temperature in Pennsylvania will rise 5.9 degrees by 2050, posing increased risks to the environment and human health. Officials from multiple state […]

It’s Good Sense That Warmists Are Giving Themselves Anxiety Or Something

I was having a conversation with someone about how they have a chemical imbalance that can cause anxiety. She can’t just not get that way. It’s real. As opposed to some people claiming non-medical conditions as real ones because they’ve made themselves that way. Just because you get anxious because you’re potentially reading some signs […]

Pirate's Cove