Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Your Fault: Earth Will Soon Have “Ultra-Heat Waves”

Yeah, I saw you take that fossil fueled trip down the road when you could have walked Ignoring climate change will lead to “ultra-extreme” heatwaves In a new study from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, experts report that ignoring the signs of climate change will lead to “ultra-extreme” heatwaves in the Middle East and […]

BBC Wonders Why More People Aren’t Doing More On Climate Crisis (scam)

Us Skeptics wonder that, too. Why don’t those card carrying members of the Cult of Climastrology do more in their own lives to comport with their Beliefs? Why do so few give up their fossil fueled vehicles, move into tiny homes/apartments, give up meat, send lots of their money to the official tax collecting agency […]

Bummer: St. Andrews Golf Course Could Maybe Possibly Be Underwater By 2050

All because you drive your fossil fueled vehicle to the golf course and have an evil hotdog and syrupy soda at the turn St. Andrews could be underwater by 2050, according to a new climate-change study The Home of Golf could be underwater as soon as 2050, according to a new climate-change study. The study, […]

Your Fault: Oceans Being Fundamentally Changing The Structures Of Ocean Or Something

All because you decided to take a fossil fueled flight on vacation and have an evil burger Global warming is ‘fundamentally’ changing the structure of oceans, study says Scientists are sounding the alarm over the impact climate change is having on the world’s oceans. Sounds more like they are activists than scientists In a new […]

The Climate (scam) Crisis Has Become A Mental Health Crisis (part lots)

Now that it’s starting to get warm again, the stories about the climate scam messing with people’s mental health start to become more prevalent. Is it real? In a way. The grand high poobahs of the Cult of Climastrology constantly trot out prognostications of utter doom. They teach the Coming Doom in schools. Warmists read […]

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Lengthen Hottest Temps By 6 Months

We could have endless summer (which also causes massive cold spells and Bad Weather snow), all because you like your burgers Endless Summer? Climate Crisis Could Lengthen Hottest Temperatures by Six Months Six months of summer may sound like a school child’s fantasy, but it could be a very real, and very serious, impact of […]

Climahysteria Has Now Spread To TikTok Or Something

TikTok used to be a place where idiots could go to be obsessed, outrage, freaking out, etc (I’m not going to search for examples, which I usually find on the front page of Yahoo, because then I’ll be here all day linking Crazy), along with posting their narcissism and dumb stuff. Apparently to amuse people […]

NY Times Blames Heat And Humidity On You And Your Burger Fixation

See, before fossil fueled vehicles there was no such thing as heat and humidity at the same time. Surely, there was no issue with this during the Global Climate Optimum, the Roman Warm Period, etc, right? Global Warming’s Deadly Combination: Heat and Humidity Here’s one more reason the world should aim to limit warming to […]

Climate Cult Won’t Give Up On Blaming Texas Winter Storm On You Eating A Burger

Once the Cult of Climastrology latches on to a good talking point they’ll turn it into dogma and never let go ‘When Texas freezes over’: Arctic conditions across the southern U.S. show climate change is here Sometimes, it seems like certain politicians won’t support climate action until hell — or Texas — freezes over. Well, […]

Surprise: Michael “Robust Debate” Mann Claims Hurricane Activity Is Your Fault

His big tree ring study leading to the “hockey stick” was a bunch of mule fritters, so, sure, let’s listen to him again as he fear mongers Humans, not nature, are the cause of changes in Atlantic hurricane cycles, new study finds It’s well known in science that for more than a century hurricane activity in the […]

Pirate's Cove