March 5, 2021 – 3:00 pm
All because you refuse to ride a bicycle and give up your delicious burger fixation Climate Change Is Killing Butterflies in the American West Butterflies play essential role in pollinating wild plants and crops. Which makes a new study published in Science on Thursday such bad news. It shows the climate crisis is posing an existential threat to their […]
February 27, 2021 – 3:00 pm
They have actual measurements of the circulation 1,600 years ago, right? Not models? BTW, if we’re talking 1,600 years ago, that was heading from the Roman Warm Period (caused by fossil fueled chariots and too much electricity at the Coliseum) into the Dark Ages. But, you know, the Cult of Climastrology is nothing without Scary […]
February 17, 2021 – 7:48 am
See, the power outages don’t really have anything to do with the wind turbines freezing and solar panels covered with snow and ice (and, let’s be honest, that’s only a portion), nope, it’s your fault for that big dinner you had for Valentine’s Day with evil meat A Glimpse of America’s Future: Climate Change Means […]
February 13, 2021 – 7:10 am
Another story of doom and gloom from the Cult of Climastrology, and it’s all your fault Climate Change Could Shred Guitars Known for Shredding It is the wood that the rock greats have sworn by—swamp ash, in the form of their Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster guitars—for over 70 years. If you’ve ever listened to rock, […]
February 11, 2021 – 7:37 am
They just can’t help themselves in attempting to link COVID with you eating a burger after taking a fossil fueled trip When you see the words “linked” or “suggests” you know it is fake. As in “Bran flakes may be linked to autism”. Or “Study suggests avocados are linked to obesity.” Or “Coronavirus and Climate […]
January 30, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Yeah, we all heard about you taking that fossil fueled trip to get a cheeseburger with a big syrupy soda full of carbon pollution (the photo in the excerpt is the one the NY Times uses to convince you you’re a horrible person causing winter weather) Forecast: Wild Weather in a Warming World The polar […]
January 26, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Seriously, how often do you see a piece from the climate cult that says “yeah, things are OK”? Because it is a doomsday cult, they continuously have to make things worse and worse and worse. Kinda like celebs, such as a Miley Cyrus, who do something a little crazy. Then have to top that. And […]
January 21, 2021 – 8:11 am
Wait, I thought the climate cultists were saying that climate change is already here? No? Doom is actually on the horizon? Climate Change Will Be Sudden and Cataclysmic Unless We Act Now The speed and scale of the response to COVID-19 by governments, businesses and individuals seems to provide hope that we can react to […]
January 18, 2021 – 7:03 am
We can solve this with a tax, you know The planet is dying faster than we thought Humanity is barreling toward a “ghastly future” of mass extinctions, health crises and constant climate-induced disruptions to society — one that can only be prevented if world leaders start taking environmental threats seriously, scientists warn in a new […]
January 10, 2021 – 5:55 pm
If there were any elected politicians with any guts, they’d tell groups like Earthlife that they’d be happy to tax the heck out of the group, skyrocket the cost of living of members, and take away their liberty, choice, and freedom. But, politicians love this stuff because politicians want Power EARTHLIFE: GOVT’S FAILURE TO TACKLE […]