December 14, 2020 – 3:00 pm
I mostly ignored this stuff for Thanksgiving, but, way, way too much material, especially since so many of these climate cultists hate the Christian religion (while also refusing to give up their paid holiday off) Can your Christmas dinner help save the planet? Christmas Day is going to look very different for a lot of […]
December 7, 2020 – 7:15 am
Remember back to 2000 when The Independent, another UK news outlet, declared that snow was a thing of the past and that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”. Well, of course that prognostication didn’t materialize, so The Independent memory holed it, but, it led to lots of meme and derision. Now, the […]
December 6, 2020 – 5:23 pm
Nothing says “we care, we really do!” like taking advantage of people’s misery, fear, sickness, and death COVID-19 recovery is an opportunity to tackle worsening climate crisis: New report We are at a moment of overlapping planetary health emergencies: COVID-19 and climate change. Both have their origins at the intersection of humanity and the rest […]
December 5, 2020 – 3:00 pm
This is rather a new one. I’m surprised it hasn’t spread around through the Credentialed Media climate cult members, as it is a ready made bit of scaremongering ‘Already in short supply’: How climate change could chip away at sleep health In October 2015, Nick Obradovich was living in San Diego when an intense heatwave […]
November 27, 2020 – 4:58 pm
I think this is a wonderful idea. All climate cultists should follow this, thereby eliminating them from the gene pool. They won’t have mushy little heads to indoctrinate Climate ‘apocalypse’ fears stopping people having children – study People worried about the climate crisis are deciding not to have children because of fears that their offspring […]
November 25, 2020 – 8:23 am
This is mostly all the Cult of Climastrology does: offer scary prognostications, usually far in the future so that no one can truly disprove them, and when the time comes, no one remembers them. So far, almost nothing the CoC has predicted has come true Why frightening facts don’t always move people to action on […]
November 13, 2020 – 7:08 am
I’d like to say that the scary prognostications will increase with Biden winning (let’s face it, the fix is in, and it is a very long shot for Trump to pull it out), but, they never really end from the Cult of Climastrology. They’re also used to ramping it up a bit this time of […]
November 11, 2020 – 8:23 am
But people are still moving there! Climate Change Will Make Parts of the U.S. Uninhabitable. Americans Are Still Moving There. Over the past year, the advent of a professional economy powered by people working from home has quickened the conversation about where to live, particularly among millennials. “Is now the right time to buy property […]
November 4, 2020 – 7:46 am
Is it any wonder that so many climate cultists, especially the under 25 crowd, are mental messes, when they keep trotting out apocalyptic prognostications and articles? Decoding Climate Change: Why You Should Worry About Earth’s Systematic Death “2020 is on course to become the warmest year” revealed one of the studies reported by the World […]
October 30, 2020 – 3:00 pm
Unhinged climate cultist John Sutter is missing something important America, if you care about climate, vote like it Linda, a reader in California, wrote to me recently after I invited people to have a dialogue about the looming climate apocalypse. She sent me a question I know many of you have on your minds as US election […]