Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

If We Don’t Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ We’re Doomed In 10 Years Or Something

I thought we were already doomed 20 years ago? And 15 years ago? And 10? 5? Today? Or was it in 2100 or 2050? Anyhow, the same experts who prognosticated doom which didn’t come to pass are still doing it Painfully slow hurricanes, deadly heat, and cities without water: What the climate crisis will look […]

Your Computer Is Really Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

This is the next extension of the Cult of Climastrology scaremongering over the carbon pollution from streaming video Climate reboot: Are computers among the causes of climate change? Since the 1970s – the decade that gave us the creation of both Earth Day and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – people have become more […]

‘Climate Change’ Could End Mortgages As We Know Them Or Something

The Cult of Climastrology is always looking for something new to impart doom on Climate change could end mortgages as we know them Climate change could punch a hole through the financial system by making 30-year home mortgages — the lifeblood of the American housing market — effectively unobtainable in entire regions across parts of […]

Climate Cultist Scientists See Untold Suffering Or Something

See, the human experience is never evolved as fast as it has during the Modern Warm Period. Just think of all the innovations in science, medicine, technology, agriculture, and so much more just in the last 50 years. Of course, climate cultists only see doom Scientists foresee ‘untold suffering’, another climate record falls More than […]

Climate Change Will Explode Plant Growth In The Future And This Is Bad Or Something

Members of the Cult of Climastrology can always find something to complain about Funny NatGeo #ClimateScam propaganda: Trace CO2 will "explode plant growth", which is allegedly bad, because the plants will "suck the land dry"! Hey @NatGeo: Where's the part about alleged CO2-induced lower crop yields? — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) November 5, 2019 Here we […]

Hotcoldwetdry Denialists Have Won If We Label Eco-Anxiety As An Illness Or Something

Sadly, the majority of this is behind the paywall, but, we can get a good laugh at the headline and what we can see If we label eco-anxiety as an illness, climate denialists have won No planet B | The UK media reports a “tsunami” of cases of eco-anxiety in children. It is no medical […]

There’s A Solution To Climate Anxiety Or Something

You can also call it climate depression, as well as climate rage The harm from worrying about climate change Back in 2014, my partner and I marked a date in our shared online calendar. Unusually, this was for 27 August 2015 – a year ahead. It was an arbitrary date. We’re indecisive when it comes […]

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Disasters Could Get Worse If We Don’t Pass A New Green Deal

You need to be taxed out the wazoo and have your liberty, freedom, and choice removed so we can “solve” this Climate crisis disasters that could get worse if we don’t do anything (skipping past all the yammering about the UN IPCC saying doom is coming and typical Warmist cultism) The “business-as-usual” scenario, referred to […]

Unhinged Warmists Adults Are Responsible For Kids Having Eco-Anxiety

Over at the NY Post, Miranda Devine runs a piece that is right on target Devine: Irresponsible adults have caused the climate fear plaguing Greta Thunberg The look on Greta Thunberg’s face when Donald Trump breezed past her in a UN corridor this week was pure hatred. She looked as if she would like to […]

New Scary Prognostication: Seas Will Soon!!!!!!! Rise Faster From ‘Climate Change’

It’s hard to keep the Cult of Climastrology going without constant prognostications of doom. Plus, don’t forget, much of the U.N. released doom starts coming around this time of the year, as the next Conference On The Parties is getting ready to go (in the far flung city of Santiago, Chile), along with other pre-COP […]

Pirate's Cove