May 30, 2019 – 3:01 pm
Sometimes I think that I should make the scaremongering headlines on ‘climate change’ all capitalized, just for the extra Doom. Regardless, you know what this prognostication means, right? Hurricane landfalls may grow more intense with climate change Future hurricanes may become more intense as they track toward the East Coast. An atmospheric barrier guards much […]
May 29, 2019 – 10:30 am
Humanity has survived millions of years of constantly changing climate. We’ve gone through hot, we’ve gone through ice ages. Humanity has spread from the wilds of Africa to the tips of the world. We live in warm, cool, cold, hot, wet, arid. We live in mountains, we live on plains, we’re on islands, we’re in […]
May 25, 2019 – 4:16 pm
Remember the day when fringe doomsday nutjobs were pretty much ignored, rather than held up as paragons of virtue? Climate change: ‘We’ve created a civilisation hell bent on destroying itself – I’m terrified’, writes Earth scientist The coffee tasted bad. Acrid and with a sweet, sickly smell. The sort of coffee that results from overfilling […]
May 17, 2019 – 3:00 pm
So, let’s see: people start yammering about an issue, which may or may not be a concern. Then it is hijacked by elements of the far left, especially once the Soviet Union falls and all the supporters have to find something new to focus on to create Giant Centralized Government. The all run with stories […]
May 15, 2019 – 3:00 pm
Hot take alert, because the Cult of Climastrology always has to have some sort of new doomy prognostication of doom Climate change may make trees live fast and die young Everyone from governments to oil companies is looking at tree-planting as a way to counter global warming, but this strategy could be less effective than we thought. […]
May 8, 2019 – 10:57 am
How does this go? Manufacture a crisis based on shoddy data because the world warms now and then Scream about how bad the fake crisis is Teach kids how bad the fake crisis is Cause some people to become mentally unhinged profit by taking advantage of what nutters created Anxiety about global warming has become […]
April 8, 2019 – 10:30 am
There’s always an extension, because they’ve learned that the previous ones fail 1989: "A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000" — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) April 8, 2019 […]
April 1, 2019 – 7:47 am
Since Democrats tend to shy away from owning firearms, guess who gets eaten first? Anyhow, while the point of the study may or may not have been to link what’s going on with the current (and typical) warm period, news outlets and others running articles is meant to invoke a belief among Warmists that this […]
March 18, 2019 – 3:38 pm
If you look back five, six, even ten years, Warmists called me a conspiracy monger for suggesting that the whole anthropogenic global warming/climate change movement was really political, and included ending capitalism. Pushing far left dogma, including economic change. Heck, even some Skeptics thought I was nuts. Yet, I kept highlighting the stories, and over […]
March 13, 2019 – 3:25 pm
Can most urban dwelling members of the Cult of Climastrology even find the great outdoors? Other than to take a quick selfie for social media than escape back to a Starbucks, of course Climate change will make a walk in the woods a much rarer pleasure If you like to take a walk in the […]