February 24, 2019 – 8:12 am
Here’s a NY Times op-ed the other dayday Green New Deal is technologically possible, experts say. But it will cost trillions of dollars, require expansive new taxes and federal programs, and could not be accomplished within the 10-year timeframe that supporters say is necessary. https://t.co/afWa9gOK45 — NYT Climate (@nytclimate) February 21, 2019 So, massively expensive […]
February 20, 2019 – 4:55 pm
Another day, another thing that they’re attempting to blame on Other People for living a modern lifestyle More Homeless People Are Dying of Hypothermia in Los Angeles Than in New York. Is Climate Change a Factor? In Los Angeles, a city known for its sunshine and mild temperatures, more homeless people died of hypothermia last […]
February 15, 2019 – 3:20 pm
This still provides zero proof of anthropogenic causation The disturbing hypothesis for the sudden uptick in chronic kidney disease Our kidneys might be vulnerable to the more frequent extreme heat brought on by global warming. In its early stages, chronic kidney disease can lurk silently in the body, causing no symptoms at all. Eventually, as these vital […]
February 11, 2019 – 7:59 am
First they were telling us that polar bears were going extinct, and would starve to death. Now they’re doing well and running around in gangs Stupendous #ClimateScamBS from #FakeNews source WaPo: Is this what starving polar bears look like? Will CO2 caused all 25,000 polar bears to get emaciated like that sick one in 2017? […]
February 9, 2019 – 3:00 pm
Some Warmists: “We need to calm down a bit, our apocalyptic talk is scaring people off and making us look crazy” Mother Nature News: “Hold our beer” It's like climate scammers aren't even trying any more. https://t.co/RWL3hkdT7r — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) February 9, 2019 From the link Climate change is having devastating effects on our […]
February 6, 2019 – 10:30 am
They do realize that the building the are holding the hearing in gets most of its power from coal, right? And that most of the Democrats will and the people who are “testifying” will arrive in fossil fueled vehicles, right? With The Planet In Crisis, Congress Is Here To Talk About Climate Change The playing […]
February 4, 2019 – 7:01 am
You won’t actually be able to see it, but it will totally happen by the end of the century. What they forget to do is prove that this is all caused my Mankind Climate change will even change the color of the oceans, study says The ocean will not look the same color in the […]
January 23, 2019 – 10:30 am
No worries, since the insane left has decided that there’s no such thing as gender anymore Climate change will affect the ratio of male-to-female newborns, scientists say Global warming will have a variety of effects on our planet, yet it may also directly impact our human biology, research suggests. Specifically, climate change could alter the […]
January 21, 2019 – 2:58 pm
Say, what caused this ancient climate change, because apparently warming is totes different? Ancient climate change triggered warming that lasted thousands of years A rapid rise in temperature on ancient Earth triggered a climate response that may have prolonged the warming for many thousands of years, according to scientists. Wait, what? Go ahead and read […]
January 19, 2019 – 7:12 am
The talking points have gone out to all the media outlets over the bankruptcy of energy company PG&E, and we can see all sorts of Cult of Climastrologist members writing wacky things, some in the opinion pages, some as opinion in the straight news sections. Here’s one of the craziest PG&E: The First S&P 500 […]