October 5, 2018 – 7:04 am
If you’d only agree to pay lots of taxes and give up your freedom to Government we could stop this New Study Shows Climate Change Could Reduce Scallop Population Researchers in Massachusetts say under the worst case scenario, climate change could reduce the scallop population by more than 50 percent in just a few decades, […]
September 28, 2018 – 3:23 pm
I look forward to serving out new overlords Mosquitoes Will Rule the Earth as Climate Change Expands Disease Vectors Although many U.S. politicians insist on denying climate change, most scientists worldwide are believers. And the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even has a pagedescribing concerns over climate change and the likelihood it will increase the […]
September 28, 2018 – 10:30 am
You refused to handwash your clothes, take the bus to work, and use two pieces of toilet paper, hence (the … in the excerpt is theirs, as they are excerpting another article which is here) Climate change could accelerate demand for robot farmers It’s harvest season in the Northern hemisphere, so farmers head into the […]
September 27, 2018 – 9:20 am
If only you had forgone your use of a fossil fueled vehicle, had given up meat, started taking 2 minute showers, moved into an off-the-grid shack, and, really, just killed yourself because Warmists complain about too many people on Earth Climate Change Causing the Earth to Wobble? NASA Says, Yes! Climate change is impacting how […]
September 26, 2018 – 8:11 am
As Anthony Watts notes How many times have the goalposts been moved where that pivotal moment has been reached, and we are just a couple of years away from the irreversible or runaway scenario. I’ve lost count. Here’s what Anthony is referring to UN chief: ‘Pivotal moment’ for fighting global warming U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres […]
September 24, 2018 – 12:17 pm
Obvioiusly, in recent years the Cult of Climastrology has been yammering on about “climate refugees.” Now, a big push is to attempt to scare people by telling them they will need to move to escape from the worst effects of a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850 Where should you move to save […]
September 14, 2018 – 10:22 am
The always Excitable Jill Filipovic, who usually focuses more on murdering the unborn, takes time out of her busy schedule of flying between NYC and South Africa to fearmonger on Hurricane Florence, because, this is what the nutters in the Cult of Climastrology do Florence’s deadly message As people race away from the coast, many […]
September 11, 2018 – 7:10 am
This is what your tax dollars are paying for, and unhinged, anti-science piece at NPR by Rebecca Hersher, which is, quite frankly, the first major media piece linking Florence with Hotcoldwetdry Climate Change Drives Bigger, Wetter Storms — Storms Like Florence Hurricane Florence is moving relentlessly toward the Southeastern U.S. It’s a large, powerful cyclone that will […]
September 8, 2018 – 10:30 am
One typhoon, a natural even that has happened before Mankind started using fossil fuels, is now proof of doom The threat from rising waters comes as a reckoning for an industry that ranks among the major contributors to climate change: “You won’t have an airport, you’ll have a lake.” https://t.co/1qHvuOwDko — NYT Climate (@nytclimate) September […]
September 4, 2018 – 4:44 pm
The Cult of Climastrology had been pushing that the point of no return was soon, even as close as 2020, to avoid Utter Doom. But, like all Climatruther prognostications, this has to be pushed out when doom is not arriving Climate Change Could Hit the ‘Point of No Return’ in 2035 Warn Scientists Time is […]