Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Trump Has Declared War On The Climate Or Something

It’s a kind of day. First they’re yammering on about how great it would be if Paris sued fossil fuels companies, and they want cities to divest from fossil fuels, and then they were given a platform at The Hill. This bit of nuttiness is by May Boeve, the executive director Trump has declared […]

Bummer: Global Temps Might Possibly Maybe Blow Past Paris Climate Agreement Limit Within 5 Years

I should put a reminder on this post for 5 years to see if it comes to pass Global temperatures could pass limit set by Paris climate deal within 5 years Global temperatures could surpass a limit set by the Paris climate agreement within the next five years, according to a new forecast by British […]

Doom: Hotcoldwetdry Could Be Maybe Possibly Poisoning Be Your Food

Another day, another scary fable from the Cult Climate change could be poisoning your food The old adage about not eating oysters in months that contain the letter “R” may have to be updated. Two foodborne pathogens — Vibrio and Cryptosporidium — are becoming more prevalent as a result of climate change, according to a […]

‘Climate Change’ Might Possibly Maybe Force Tabasco To Find A New Home Or Something

Not Tabasco! Oh, noes, this is horrible! One of the premiere hot sauces out there! Terrible! Climate Change Might Force Tabasco to Find a New Home The nation’s oldest hot-sauce maker may soon be headed to drier ground. For 150 years, Louisiana’s McIlhenny family has manufactured its beloved Tabasco sauce on a geological salt dome called […]

Doom: ‘Climate Change’ Could Maybe Possibly Bring More Venomous Sea Snakes To California

Everybody Panic!!1!!!! Could Climate Change Bring More Venomous Sea Snakes to California? When an extreme El Niño weather pattern raised Pacific Ocean temperatures off the coast of Southern California three years ago, extremely venomous yellow-bellied sea snakes — a creature that had only been seen once before, in 1972 — washed up on three Southern California beaches. […]

Doomsday Clock Moved Due To Trump’s Feud With N. Korea, ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

It’s fun how this is Blamed on Trump, in terms of North Korea, since Trump wasn’t the one who told North Korea to develop nuclear weapons. As for ‘climate change’, bitch, please Trump’s feud with North Korea, climate change move Doomsday Clock closer to midnight The risk of nuclear war and the threat of climate […]

Because You Ate A Steak From A Moo Cow, ‘Climate Change’ Moved A 620 Ton Rock In Ireland

According to Cult of Climastrology doctrine, the Earth is always supposed to stay the same. The same temperature, same weather patterns, animals never change, it’s always the same. Well, I’m blaming your for this A storm moved a 620-tonne rock in Ireland, a stunning new climate change omen Along the rocky coasts of Ireland’s Aran […]

Your Burger Habit Which Causes ‘Climate Change’ Could Be Made Worse By ‘Climate Change’

You know what could solve this? A tax! Your burger habit could be threatened by weather chaos — but gene editing could help us save cows and avoid ‘mass famine’ Making meat is wasteful work. An ounce of beef — one-sixth of a standard burger patty — requires over 100 gallons of water. Dairy cattle, chickens, […]

Today’s Story Of Doom: ‘Climate Change’ Could Make Maple Syrup Extinct Or Something

This is rather a recycled type story of doom, as the Cult of Climastrology was saying that maple syrup was doomed years ago, but, hey, like any good talking point, they’ll bring things back Please, not the syrup. Climate change could extinguish sugar maple growth Molasses on pancakes of the future? Not on my watch […]

Eyelash Freezing Cold Is Caused By ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

This is all because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle and used wood in your fireplace Eyelash freezing -67C in Siberia: Climate change denial will mean slow death of planet earth You may think it is cold in Delhi-NCR and laugh at people from Mumbai donning their woollens on a balmy, 25 degrees Celsius day. […]

Pirate's Cove