Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

The East Coast Is Going To Get Hit With A “Bomb-Cyclone” Of ‘Climate Change’

The Washington Post plays the story of a big winter storm (something Warmists were saying were a thing of the past) straight Monster storm to blast East Coast before polar vortex uncorks tremendous cold late this week Unforgiving cold has punished the eastern third of the United States for the past 10 days. But the […]

The Earth Could Become A Desert Without The Paris Climate Agreement Or Something

It’s become a dried out flood world with cold and snow and hot and hurricanes and not hurricanes and stuff (Washington Examiner)  Climate researchers are warning that a large chunk of the globe could become a desert if the goals of the Paris climate change accord are not met. The findings published Monday in the […]

Doom: The Arctic Will Never Ever Be Frozen Ever Again Or Something

The Arctic as we knew it is no more, you guys (Mother Jones notes this story originally came from Grist) This Should Freak Everyone Out: The Arctic Will Never Be Frozen Again Last week, at a New Orleans conference center that once doubled as a storm shelter for thousands during Hurricane Katrina, a group of […]

A White Christmas Will Soon Be History Or Something

Remember back to one of the biggest Warmist prognostications about snow being a thing of the past, which included the line “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” This has brought endless amusement to many of us who make a lot of fun of this during snow storms. Of course, Warmists never give […]

‘Climate Change’ To Bring Polar Vortex Doom For Christmas

This is all your fault for daring to take a fossil fueled to trip to see your relatives, rather than walking or riding a bike hundreds or thousands of miles. Oh, and it’s brought to you by the same people who always say “weather is not climate”, right before they say every weather event is […]

Rising Seas Will Displace 150 Million By 2100 Or Something

Today’s latest scary prognostication Rising seas will displace 150 million people by 2100, says climate report Lands inhabited by more than 150 million people could be submerged in water by the end of this century. That’s according to the latest projections from a group of US researchers. A new study published in the journal Earth’s Future used […]

Starving Polar Bear Video Makes Climate Alarmists Even Nuttier

The Cult of Climastrology long agon made the polar bear, a massive animal that has no problem killing other animals and humans, the face of climate change doom. They’re having apoplexy over one in particular, and, among the news fables on it, this is possibly the nuttiest Video of starving polar bear fuels fears of […]

Surprise: Worst Case Hotcoldwetdry Prognostications Are Most Accurate Or Something

Who’s surprised by this latest bit of cult validation, raise your hand Worst-case global warming predictions are the most accurate, say climate experts Current predictions of climate change may significantly underestimate the speed and severity of global warming, according to a new study. Reappraisal of the models climate scientists use to determine future warming has […]

‘Climate Change’ Might Lower Salaries Or Something

The latest in scary this might possibly maybe could we think prognostications from the Cult of Climastrology, and this is a Whopper from the same people who think abortion on demand is super awesome, and that fetus’ are just lumps of tissue Climate Change Might Lower Salaries Even if countries take moderate action on climate […]

Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ To Make Thunderstorms Larger And More Frequent

You know what this soothsaying by the AP’s resident hyper-Warmist Seth Borenstein means, right? That thunderstorm activity is going to immediately become much, much less (News-Press Now)  Summer thunderstorms in North America likely will be larger, wetter and more frequent in a warmer world, dumping 80 percent more rain in some areas and worsening flooding, […]

Pirate's Cove