Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Bummer: Two Canadian Areas Could Soon Be Under Water Or Something

The latest in Doooooooom Two Canadian places that could be under water in 100 years — or sooner It’s easy to ignore, until suddenly it’s not. As the earth warms, Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets melt and sea levels rise steadily – just a third of a centimetre a year or so, but it adds […]

Thousands Of Activist Scientists Warn Of Doom Or Something

Usually, the Alarmist wing of the Cult of Climastrology issue their most doomy proclamations prior to each year’s UN IPCC meetings. But, there are always a few that come out during, in order to attempt to give the conference some news bites (this years is pretty much back page news, if mentioned at all). Like […]

Trump Admin Allows Release Of Report Blaming Mankind For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Tons of media outlets think they Have Something, in that Team Trump would allow this Hotcoldwetdry report to be release. Here’s the Washington Post Trump administration releases report finding ‘no convincing alternative explanation’ for climate change And the NY Times U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials You can go round […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Like A Slowly Boiling Frog Or Something

If you consider “boiling” to be a minuscule 1.4F increase in global temperatures, much of which has been artificially manipulated, over 160+ years Climate change is the slowly boiling frog in the pot of the Earth Imagine you just bumped into a friend you hadn’t seen in ages. Had they gained a little weight or […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Going To Put A Damper On Beer Or Something

This is not a new idea. It’s something that’s been thrown around by Warmists for years. But, hey, like any doomy prognostication from the Cult of Climastrology, it has to be repeated every once in a while with even more Doom Climate change is hurting craft breweries First it came for the wine. Now, climate change […]

Surprise: We’ve Been Calculating Earth’s Warming Trend All Wrong, So We’re Doomed

In Science, if you make a hypothesis, and it turns out wrong, you must match the conclusion to the data. In “climate science”, if the conclusion is wrong, change the data to match the hypothesis. And, if you need to do a bit of scaremongering. It’s the new science New science suggests the ocean could […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Totally Making Bugs Worse Or Something

Bugs are the worst part of going outside, you guys Bugs Are the Worst Part of Going Outside and Climate Change Is Making It Worse Bug spray will soon be as ubiquitous as sunscreen. Long sleeves in hot weather will lose their dorky reputation. For people who enjoy the outdoors, the buzz of a mosquito […]

Say, What’s The Point Of Climate Proofing Liberal Cities When They’re Too Darned Expensive To Live In?

Good thing “climate proofing” won’t make the already much more expensive liberal cities even more costly, eh? Of course, there needs to be some Trump Blamestorming, because he’s apparently at fault for not just future Democratic Party run cities being expensive, but the past as well It Doesn’t Matter if Cities Are Climate Change–Proof if […]

Jet Setting IMF Chief Warns Of “Dark Future” From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Christine Lagarde, who likes to take lots of fossil fueled trips around the world and ride in fancy fossil fueled vehicles, says we’ll be “toasted, roasted and grilled” from Hotcoldwetdry. It’s a good thing that Warmists have taken the advice of many of their more sane compatriots to tone it down, rather than sounding like […]

Goracle: Hotcoldwetdry Will Cause More Hurricanes Like Harvey Or Something

Because Al Gore and his over-sized carbon footprint have been totally right on his other predictions, right? (Houston Chronicle)  Al Gore warned Texans on Monday that global warming will lead to more Hurricane Harveys in coming years – but he urged them not to be discouraged. Change, he said, can be made. “We have to […]

Pirate's Cove