Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

NY Magazine: The Earth Will Soon Be Too Hot For Humans Or Something

There’s climate alarmist scaremongering, and then there’s climate alarmist SCAREMONGERING OMG WE’RE ALL DOOOOOOOOOMED! Don’t you just love that graphic? The bones of a human hand made to look like preserved dinosaur bones. They have several more in the screed, like From the doomry (doom story) It is, I promise, worse than you think. […]

Say, Can the Caribbean Survive ‘Climate Change’?

More fear-mongering Really?: "UN estimates that the oceans will rise at least four feet in the next eight decades" — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) July 7, 2017 Well, I guess all those Caribbean countries/properties should stop allowing fossil fueled flights to their nations for tourism. And fossil fueled boats for tourism and fishing expeditions. And […]

Rising Seas Are Totally Claiming California’s Coastline (In The Future)

Today’s “maybe sorta we think possibly you’re getting scared from our doomy prognostications’ story California Submerged: Rising Seas are claiming its famed coast faster than scientists imagined A slow-moving emergency is lapping at California’s shores— climate-driven sea-level rise that experts now predict could elevate the water in coastal areas up to 10 feet in just […]

Bummer: Trump’s Climate Policy Could Make Earth Like Hothouse Venus

Nothing says “you should take the Cult of Climastrology seriously!!!!” like an unhinged, apoplectic bit of fear-mongering Trump’s climate policy could turn Earth into hothouse Venus Stephen Hawking has hit out at US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accords, saying the move could turn the Earth into a Venus-like hothouse […]

Study Finds That Southeast And Midwest Will Suffer Most From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Where do you find the most pro-science skepticism when it comes to anthropogenic climate change? The Southeast and Midwest. Republican leaning states. So, shockingly, guess which areas are targeted in this new “study”? As Climate Changes, Southern States Will Suffer More Than Others As the United States confronts global warming in the decades ahead, not […]

Two Billion Could Become Refugees By 2100 From Sea Rise Or Something

Today’s unhinged and scientifically baseless scaremongering prognostication Two billion people may become refugees from climate change by the end of the century An unimaginable 2 billion people could become displaced from their homes by 2100 due to climate change-related rising ocean levels. That would be about one-fifth of the world’s population at that time, and […]

A Tiny Increase In Temperature Will Make Us Prisoners In Our Homes Or Something

Seriously, the only difference between the Cult of Climastrology and other doomsday cults is that the CoC is propped up by Government and leftist media Warmist geography prof claims that b/c of AGW "We’ll become prisoners of our houses" — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) June 26, 2017 From the article For much of the U.S., […]

New Claim: ‘Climate Change’ Will Cause Less, But Much Bigger, Hail In Coming Years

You remember the Warmists talking points on hurricanes, right? First, we heard that the big season of 2005 would be the new normal due to anthropogenic climate change. Then, when hurricane activity, and especially landfalling hurricane activity, fell off the map, we were told that there would be fewer but they’d be more powerful. Then, […]

Claim: 30% Of World Population Could Be Under Threat From Dying From The Heat

Another day, another bit of cultish insanity Dying Of Heat Could Soon Be A Reality For 30% Of The Population If “dying of heat” was just an expression before, it has now become a sad reality due to the acceleration of climate change. A team of researchers at the University of Hawaii in Manoa has […]

Not A Religion: Being Jewish Requires The Paris Climate Agreement Or Something

We’ve seen the same thing out of Muslim and Christian Warmists, proclaiming that it’s a religious requirement. Why should Jews be left out? Judaism requires us to pursue the goals of the Paris climate accords The Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement has demanded that we all ask ourselves where we […]

Pirate's Cove