January 24, 2017 – 5:47 pm
Why are the Oakland Raiders attempting to leave and head to Las Vegas? It used to be that “if you ask why, the answer is money.” Now? According to the Cult of Climastrology, the answer is now ‘climate change’, because everything must be linked The Raiders Leaving Oakland Is A Case Of Literal Survival Another […]
January 21, 2017 – 10:57 am
If you’re talking about a three story dollhouse, ….well, actually, no, not even that high. This one really highlights just how insane the so-called science of ‘climate change’ is Sea levels ‘could rise higher than a three-storey building due to climate change’ The last time ocean temperatures were this warm, sea levels were up to […]
January 20, 2017 – 7:19 am
Did you know that today is Penguin Awareness Day? Of course, this is all linked to ‘climate change.’ There’s lots more to that cartoon, good form and proper blogging etiquette keeps me from publishing it all. Hit the UK Guardian for the rest. Of course, being the 20th of January, Gizmodo is horrified over what […]
January 12, 2017 – 3:15 pm
Do you binge watch? I do. Lately, what with the weather closing and such, I’ve been binge watching the heck out of a bunch of shows. Masterchef Canada, Hell’s Kitchen season 11 and 12. As such, I’m Evil for carbon pollution (Huffington Post) Â Our video streaming addiction might be affecting the world outside our living […]
January 9, 2017 – 11:08 am
Can you pick out what’s wrong with this? The Great Barrier Reef located off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia, is the largest living structure in the world. It is home to a wide range of life, including fish, sea turtles, giant clam, seahorse, sea snakes, nudibranch, sea turtles, stingray, sharks and many more. […]
January 6, 2017 – 5:23 pm
I mentioned the return of the “the oceans ate my warming which will soon stop the ocean circulation” meme the other day, now we get Not by fire but by ice? The frigid scenario where global warming triggers an ice age gets a second look The conventional understanding of global warming is that the planet […]
January 5, 2017 – 11:37 am
The Cult of Climastrology has previously attempted to push the “we’re all doomed because the Atlantic circulation might possibly maybe we think shut down” meme before, and, like any good Warmist meme, no matter how silly or false, they won’t give up, and will trot it out every once in a while Scientists say the […]
December 26, 2016 – 5:01 pm
Weasel words and cop outs and more prognostications from the Cult of Climastrology. Which “likely” means a prolonged drought for the U.K. Major flooding in UK now likely every year, warns lead climate adviser Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to […]
December 24, 2016 – 8:27 am
Everything is proceeding as normal, but, doom will soon arrive! (Seeker) As the calendar works toward Christmas Day, an annual question returns: “Will there be a White Christmas?” In some parts of the U.S., a white Christmas is expected, while in others, it is unheard of. The white areas on the map below indicate the […]
December 23, 2016 – 7:23 am
This is all your fault, for refusing to give up your fossil fueled travel and big carbon footprint….no, no, it doesn’t matter than all those pushing this issue haven’t walked the talk, because they are doing something more important, spreading awareness…, causing your own Christmas doom Climate change is coming for your Christmas favorites A […]