September 27, 2016 – 10:30 am
This is something Very Concerning to NPR, which seems to forget that the Cult of Climastrology has been attempting to terrify kids for decades Teaching Middle Schoolers Climate Change Without Terrifying Them Bertha Vazquez has taught earth science for more than twenty-five years. “For many years I covered the basic standard, probably like most people […]
September 26, 2016 – 10:30 am
This is has been going on for 800,000 years, but, hey, it’s still probably your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle (via Powerline) Earth’s atmosphere is slowly leaking oxygen, and scientists aren’t sure why Don’t panic, but researchers have discovered that oxygen is (very) slowly draining out of Earth’s atmosphere, and right now, they’re […]
September 23, 2016 – 7:22 am
The always unhinged Bill McKibben, who uses vast amounts of fossil fuels to travel the globe and attend anti-fossil fuels demonstrations is out with a new unhinged pronouncement Recalculating the Climate Math The numbers on global warming are even scarier than we thought. The future of humanity depends on math. And the numbers in a […]
September 20, 2016 – 10:20 am
The Washington Post’s hyper-Warmist/weather guy Jason Samenow has decided to perform a bit of introspection on the scaremongering emanating from the Cult of Climastrology Is the media scaring the public too much about climate change and extreme weather? The media has gone overboard in calling attention to links between climate change and extreme weather, contend […]
September 19, 2016 – 10:30 am
No, seriously. Sea rise totally proves that people using lots of energy to publish newspapers, along with all the fossil fuels to gather the news and distribute the dead tree editions, is obviously the only reason the seas are rising Trump’s climate science denial clashes with reality of rising seas in Florida By Donald Trump’s […]
September 17, 2016 – 12:29 pm
Instead of living in Reality Land, Warmists love to live in this world where “carbon pollution” from Other People is going to cause massive doom. Now, hey, I love a good apocalyptic novel, especially zombie related, but I understand these are works of fiction, no matter how much they create a way to say “this […]
September 14, 2016 – 10:16 am
And cut carbs, because you darned people refuse to give up driving fossil fueled vehicles We May All Have to Cut Carbs Thanks to Climate Change Rising global temperatures will harm wheat harvests—and poor countries will be hardest hit. It seems that as the world’s temperature heats up, more of the world may be forced […]
September 12, 2016 – 8:32 am
The Cult of Climastrology is up to its normal schtick Blame Global Warming for Your Bad Attitude Climate change is making us angry. It may also cause more assaults, murders, and even poor math grades for your kids. It doesn’t take a PhD to see that climate affects our lives. Anyone who lives far enough […]
September 9, 2016 – 10:20 am
Another day, another unhinged prognostication of something that is maybe, possibly, we’re-not-entirely-sure that it will happen but, hey, this ain’t science, so we can say whatever we want to attempt to scare you into compliance and give up your freedom and money Your favorite ice cream flavors could go extinct in your lifetime There are […]
September 8, 2016 – 8:07 am
The Cult of Climastrology has long attempted to use coffee production as a way to scare people about the utter doom from anthropogenic climate change. Like most things AGW, it comes in cycles, and they’ve been make a push on coffee doom over the past few weeks, culminating in this, coming from a site called […]