Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Woman Who Takes Lots Of Fossil Fueled Flights Blames ‘Climate Change’ For Hermine

Let’s not forget that Hillary tried to claim all her air miles while Secretary of State as an accomplishment. She’s flying around the country, mostly to attend fancy pants fund raisers, and trotting out silliness like this (Free Beacon) Hillary Clinton said climate change was to blame for Hurricane Hermine during a campaign rally Tuesday […]

Unsurprisingly, Warmists Link Hurricane Hermine To ‘Climate Change’

You knew this was coming, right? This was one of those things that was easy to guess “yes” on the question “will the Cult of Climastrology link the storm to Hotcoldwetdry?” There are plenty of links to this, let’s go with uber-Warmists Eric Holthaus’ (who’s actually a pretty cool guy on Twitter, getting beyond the […]

Good Grief: Warmists Now Blame Difficulty In Predicting Storm Tracks On ‘Climate Change’

Let’s review: after the huge storm season of 2005, members of the Cult of Climastrology said it would be the new normal. Then, landfalling storms (tropical depressions, tropical storms, and full hurricanes) dried up almost immediately. They then stated that storms would be fewer but stronger. There’s been zero category 3 hurricanes to make landfall […]

This Election Matters Because Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Updating the old saying “everyone talks about ‘climate change’, but no one wants to do anything about it.” That’s because most people aren’t interested in reducing their own standard of living while raising their cost of living, most especially including the people who push Hotcoldwetdry the most. The AP’s Seth Borenstein, their resident climahysteric, is […]

Noted Guy With Giant Carbon Footprint Says We Should Preserve Our Public Parks From ‘Climate Change’

Here’s a guy who took a fossil fueled trip to vacation in an energy hog house and spent lots of time on golf courses, which are evil to anthropogenic climate change (The Hill) President Obama used the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service to call for action on climate change, warning that rising temperatures […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Most Existential Risk Or Something

More doomsaying from the same people who refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral Op-ed: Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Existential Risk Climate change and biodiversity loss may pose the most immediate and important threat to human survival given their indirect effects on other risk […]

Suddenly, Warmists Are Very Concerned About The Dearth Of Landfalling Hurricanes

This comes to us via one of the Washington Post’s hyper-Warmists, Jason Samenow The U.S. coast is in an unprecedented hurricane drought — why this is terrifying Hurricanes, large and small, have eluded U.S. shores for record lengths of time. As population and wealth along parts of the U.S. coast have exploded since the last […]

Bummer: Gulls Might Be Turning Cannibal Due To ‘Climate Change’

The latest hyperventilating bit of insanity from the Cult of Climastrology Climate Change Might Be Turning Gulls Into Cannibals Jim Hayward slips on a hard hat and pops open an umbrella before stepping into a storm of angry gulls. Hayward, a seabird biologist based on Protection Island in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, is […]

Every Vote This Year Is For Or Against Climate Change, Ya Know!

Because ‘climate change’ is the top issue of the campaigns! This Year, Every Vote Is a Vote for or Against Climate Change YESTERDAY, THE 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia aired a five and a half minute video about climate change. Directed by James Cameron and narrated by Sigourney Weaver, it featured Don Cheadle, Jack […]

Mussels Will Be Off The Menu In 85 Years Or Something

Yet another future prognostication of doom from the Cult of Climastrology (Telegraph)  Moules-frites and moules mariniere will be largely consigned to the pages of culinary history by the end of the century, scientists have predicted. The increasing acidity of the oceans due to climate change means that farming or fishing for mussels will be commercially […]

Pirate's Cove