Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Some Parts Of The World Will Become So Hot As To Be Uninhabitable Or Something

Today’s prognostication of doom and gloom Researchers say some parts of the globe will become so hot they’ll be uninhabitable Man-made climate change is a problem that simply won’t go away. It will increase the likelihood of conflict in water-scarce regions for one thing, and there’s already some evidence that it played a vital role in sparking the […]

‘Climate Change’ Could Cause Sick Building Syndrome Or Something

For anyone who works in an office building, you’re utterly doomed. Why? Because someone needs funding, and other people want to control your behavior and tax you to death How Climate Change Could Make Office Work Even Unhealthier “Sick building syndrome” and other indoor concerns could be exacerbated by climate change As the world heats […]

Climate Change Will Cause Oceans To Have Too Little Oxygen In 15 Years Or Something

Good news! We have a new prognostication, and it is in a timeframe that can be easily checked. But, really, is more meant to scare everyone Oceans won’t have enough oxygen in as little as 15 years This story was originally published by Huffington Post and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk […]

Agreeable Warm Weather Is A Clear Sign Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

So far, it seems as if climate change, whether it is mostly/solely natural, mostly/solely man induced, or somewhere in between, has people happy with the weather. They find it agreeable and preferable. this has made the Cult of Climastrology very unhappy, though Unseasonably warm weather a clear sign of climate change, say scientists El Niño […]

Global Warming Is Making The Weather Nice, But Doom Is Coming Soon Or Something

Leave it to the Cult Of Climastrology to always look for the dark side of every silver lining. In this case, we have the typically unhinged Seth Borenstein Global warming may have improved U.S. weather, but for how long? Global warming has mostly made the weather more pleasant for Americans over the past 40 years, […]

Bummer: Americans Really Enjoying This Warmer, More Agreeable Weather

Personally, I love some good winter weather. I love watching the snow fall. Bundling up on a cold winter night with a fire going. On the flip side, I dread having to drive in slippery conditions with people from all over the country and world who think they know how to drive in this stuff, […]

We’re Perilously Close To A Permanent Crossing Into The Global Warming Danger Zone Or Something

Another day, another hyper-alarmist, hyper-ventilating missive about Hotcoldwetdry from the Usual Suspects at the Washington Post, Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis, with a headline that rather undermines the entire case How Earth itself has dramatically upped the stakes for the Paris climate accord If it’s the Earth itself, doesn’t that make the case for mostly […]

Climate Change Is A Terminal Diagnosis Or Something

Some Warmists will tell us that the Cult of Climastrology is not prognosticating total doom from ‘climate change’. Strange how it is easy to find articles which have Warmists telling us we are doomed, and I wasn’t even looking for it. Here’s Rhonda Seifert, a “Nurse, researcher, writer, activist, mother, seeker of answers to the […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Causing The Earth To Tip Or Something

Hank Johnson is most disturbed Earth Is Tipping Because of Climate Change Melting ice and shifting rain patterns are causing the north and south poles to drift The north pole is on the run. Although it can drift as much as 10 meters across a century, sometimes returning to near its origin, it has recently […]

Bummer: ‘Climate Change” Caused Earth To Slow By A Whopping 1.7 Milliseconds In 100 Years

This obviously means total doom is soon coming, because you have your schedule completely thrown off. It’s as bad as a 1.4 increase since 1850! Climate Change decreased Earth’s Spin Speed – El Paso Daily Science Scientists are examing histroical changes in sea level in order to make accurate future predictions of this consequence of […]

Pirate's Cove