April 1, 2016 – 4:43 pm
Nope, this is not a joke article, because every day in Warmist World is April Fool’s Day One Dire Potential Consequence Of Climate Change That Nobody Ever Talks About Answer by Richard Muller, Professor of physics and co-founder of Berkeley Earth, on Quora: War. Climate change could, in principle, affect the productivity of many nations, […]
April 1, 2016 – 7:09 am
And no, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke, the Editorial Board is dead serious Shocking new study foresees a swamped planet as the GOP revels in illogic “I JUST think we have much bigger risks,†Donald Trump told us last week. We had asked the Republican presidential candidate about human-caused climate change, a […]
March 31, 2016 – 7:12 am
Many media outlets are having meltdowns (sic) over a report. Let’s go to hyper-Warmist Justin Gillis at the NY Times for the hysteria Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly Everything you need to know is in the headline. Garbage in garbage out computer models, which have continuously failed. For half a […]
March 29, 2016 – 11:00 am
And with more taxpayer funded studies we might get the truth as to whether we need more taxpayer funded studies to find more information Will global warming make you fat? First it was fats, then it was carbs, but one day we might be blaming climate change for our expanding waistlines. Climate change is already […]
March 23, 2016 – 10:26 am
But not too soon, because then people would shortly realize they are all doom mongers, snake oil salesmen, and charlatans Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries The nations of the world agreed years ago to try to limit global warming to a level they hoped would prove somewhat tolerable. But leading […]
March 17, 2016 – 3:34 pm
Dooooooooom (CBS News) More than 13 million Americans could become climate refugees by 2100 if the worst sea-level rise comes to pass, new research suggests. Rising seas caused by climate change could permanently flood hundreds of U.S. counties, according to the study. The hardest-hit county will be Miami-Dade, Florida, where 2 million people could be […]
March 5, 2016 – 8:18 am
So, you’re thinking of a burger for lunch and a steak for dinner? You’re looking forward to spring so you can crack open the grill and cook up some awesome strip steaks? Heck, maybe you’ve said “damn the cold and snow, we’re grilling out!” Well, you’re a murderer. So says Vice’s Matt Smith Meat Is […]
March 4, 2016 – 7:13 am
Another day, another breathless report on Doom from ‘climate change’ (UK Guardian) Climate change could kill more than 500,000 people a year globally by 2050 by making their diets less healthy, according to new research published in the Lancet. The research is the first to assess how the impacts of global warming could affect the […]
March 3, 2016 – 10:28 am
Today’s story of doom, which could easily be solved if we initiated a carbon tax! Snakes’ Expanding Habitat Could Bring Their Venom to Surprising Places Forget the spread of ticks and mosquitos. Climate change could be responsible for bigger bites by drawing poisonous snakes northward into a band along the U.S. and Canadian border, as […]
March 2, 2016 – 3:18 pm
Personally, I blame the vast amounts of fossil fuels to produce movies and TV shows from the liberal entertainment industry ‘Mad Max’ Is A Lot Scarier When You Realize That’s Where We Could Be Headed Two winners at Sunday night’s Academy Awards used their time on stage to warn audiences about the dangers of climate […]