Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Good Grief: 200 Million Americans To Suffer From CRAP

Climate Related Anxiety Psychopathy In America, 200 Million People Will Suffer ‘Psychological Distress’ From Climate Change A report published by the National Wildlife Foundation finds that the majority of Americans can expect to suffer mental health problems as a result of global warming and warns that our mental health system is not equipped to handle […]

Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Santa Will Soon Lose His Arctic Home

Another crazy Warmist taking advantage of a holiday to push his un-scientific dogma (The Hill) Celebrity scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson on Friday issued a Christmas warning that climate change will soon rob Santa Claus of his home on the North Pole. Tyson, who considers himself agnostic but is often championed by atheists, wrote on Twitter […]

Miami Will Totally Be Inundated By Tiny Amounts Of CO2

Another day, another scary photoshop of a city disappearing into the sea Here’s the 2030 Miami Skyline Photoshopped to Account for Dramatic Sea Level Rise and it’s Horrifying Yesterday we posted a Visualhouse rendering projecting the 2030 Miami skyline. Curbed commenter Erik Botsford put his Photoshop skills to use and revealedwhat a 2030 Miami skyline would look […]

Warmist: “Maybe someday I will relate to my grandchildren what snow was like”

Here we go, another “snow is just a thing of the past”, as written by Warmist Sonya Diehn Opinion: White winters another victim of climate change I remember well my first winter in Germany: it was cold, so cold. Living in Leipzig at the time, I was astounded to see people skiing along the forest […]

Doom: ‘Climate Change” Is Slowing The Earth, Making It Wobble

All because tens of thousands of people took fossil fueled trips from all over the world to Paris to yammer on about how bad fossil fuels are and force their far left redistribution plans down your throat you drove a fossil fueled vehicle Climate change means days are getting longer, scientists find Duration of day […]

Bummer: ‘Climate Change” Could Deprive Earth Of Oxygen

The last mega-scary fable from the Cult of Climastrology Doomsday revisited: Will global warming deprive us of oxygen? Global warming has triggered an array of apocalyptic scenarios for future generations, from worsening drought, storms and floods to melted icesheets and rising seas. Now a new study, published on Tuesday and coinciding with the UN climate […]

Good News: Holding The World Under 2C May Destroy Economies

Or require the use of future technologies that haven’t been invented yet. So, essentially, economic doom or unicorns, as the Washington Post’s hyper-Warmist Chris Mooney inadvertently tells us, in regards to The Magic Number Getting the world’s governments to reach a global agreement at the United Nations’ climate conference in Paris is going to require […]

CNN: Say, Will Journalists Be Writing Earth’s Obituary Due To ‘Climate Change’?

The news media have already been heavily complicit in the Cult of Climastrology by being the mouthpieces and disseminators of the junk science, most often refusing to broadcast any opposing views Will we write Earth’s next chapter or its obituary? When National Geographic first sent some of the world’s best photographers and mapmakers on assignment […]

We Need To Scare People About ‘Climate Change’ To Make Them Care

Here in the 1st World, most people really do not care about anthropogenic climate change. Heck, they barely care about climate change as a natural phenomenon. While many say the are Very Concerned, almost every single poll shows ‘climate change’ to be last or next to last on a list of concerns. Hence, Toronto Star […]

The Apocalypse Is In China Ahead Of Climate Talks Or Something

Once again, we see a real environmental problem placed under the banner of ‘climate change’, reducing the actual environmental problem to a lower status Apocalyptic China scenes ahead of climate talks China probably doesn’t want you looking at these photos right now, especially since the world is less than three weeks away from the much-anticipated […]

Pirate's Cove