Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Cult Of Climastrology Ramping Up The Catastrophe Warnings Ahead Of Paris Meeting

Ah, Paris, the City Of Lights, the City Of Love, where 10,000 or so believers in pushing bigger and bigger centralized governmental control over everything along with more and more taxes man-caused climate change will take fossil fueled trips to socialize, eat lots of food, and discuss the Fate Of The World, quite a few […]

Hotcoldwetdry Makes People Dumber Or Something

Is there nothing that CO2, natch carbon pollution, can’t do? (Daily Caller) First, United Nations officials label bacon and deli meats as carcinogens, and now scientists are claiming that higher concentrations of carbon dioxide are not only heating the planet, they’re making people dumber. A new study by the Harvard School of Public Health claims “carbon dioxide […]

Greenland’s Melting Glaciers Is Totally Terrifying Or Something

Remember the old saying about “liberalism being a mental disease”? What about for the Cult Of Climastrology? It seems that their mental disease is self imposed, as they have constant mental breakdowns over a minuscule bit of warming, just a shade over 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over a 165 year period of time, warming that is […]

Climate Scientists Apparently Now Brainwashing Themselves With Fear

When you think in apocalyptic doom on a constant basis, when it’s your job to make predictions of doom, when your Leftist politics demand that you trot out stories of doom, this might effect your mental well-being It’s the End of the World — How Do You Feel? Terry Root often goes to sleep at […]

Climate Scientist Wants The Public To Be Told Of Total Doom

The Cult of Climastrology reminds me of the whole Mayan apocalypse freakout, or Y2K, where we were constantly told of Doom, doom that never materialized. But, some people sure had a fun time predicting doom and making money off of it Stop telling the public we’re not doomed, says climate change scientist We all know […]

Climate Change Adding Billions To Non-existent US Hurricane Costs Or Something

Remember that hurricane that made landfall in the U.S. just the other week? Oh, wait, the United States has only been hit with one actual hurricane since 2008, and that one, Issac, could be argued was actually just a tropical storm. We’re three days away from the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Wilma, which was the […]

If We Don’t Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ Now It’ll Be Like Dante’s Inferno Or Something

The NY Times’ Andrew Revkin, a Warmists who has told us that Warmists should avoid over-the-top yammering, seems to really like this Avoiding A Climate Inferno The current issue of Science features a short, but forceful editorial by the journal’s editor in chief, the geophysicist Marcia K. McNutt, calling for humanity, after decades of delay, to get serious about […]

Could Paris Climate Meeting Be The Only Thing That Can Stop Extinction?

As Marc Morano notes, this is an actual headline Is Paris treaty all that stands between us and mass extinction? …. We are now rushing headlong into a sixth mass extinction, but this time the culprit is man, Elizabeth Kolbert writes in her best-selling book, The Sixth Extinction; An Unnatural History, which won a Pulitzer […]

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Knock Internet Offline

Once again, Warmists just can’t help themselves. Flooding the system: Climate change could knock the Internet offline (Yammering about losing contact during Hurricane Katrina) The Internet may not be a true necessity like food or shelter, but Brown’s story illustrates how important a decent connection is in the event of a disaster. While the global […]

Bummer: “Climate Change” Will Lead To Total Collapse Of Ocean’s Food Chains

All because you, dear reader, refuse to give up your fossil fueled travel to and from work, refuse to give up your ice-maker, refuse to buy local, and refuse to use just two squares of toilet paper. For shame! Climate change will lead to food chain collapse across world’s oceans, study finds CLIMATE change will […]

Pirate's Cove