Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Bummer: Thanksgiving Pumpkin Now Doomed

We had just learned that pumpkin for Christmas was doomed, but that Thanksgiving should be ok. Ruh ro Pumpkin Lovers Face Slim Pickings, Thanks to Climate Change Pumpkin lovers, it’s time to stock up. Poor growing conditions and significantly lower-than-normal yields of processing pumpkins used for baking mean that the popular canned pumpkin brand, Libby’s […]

John Kerry Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Say CO2 Causes Cancer

Secretary of State John Kerry has long been a disciple of the Cult of Climastrology (just not enough to support the Cape Wind Project), and never seems to miss an opportunity to whine about it. And, yes, he was in Chile for other things US Secretary of State John Kerry remarks in Chile during the […]

Bummer: Pumpkin Pie May Be Missing From Christmas Due To Hotcoldwetdry

Because ‘climate change’ causes everything. In one breath we’re told that it will increase drought. In the next, increase flooding. We used to call this “weather”. Now it’s a political movement. One has to wonder why Warmists, part of the far left movement, care about Christmas in the first place. So many of them are […]

Good Grief: Joaquin Is Another Word For Climate Change

I knew you wanted another raging, deranged, nutty as a fruitcake missive from the Cult of Climastrology Hurricane Joaquin: Another Word for Climate Change In case you hadn’t guessed, a new study shows “superstorms” will be much more frequent in the years ahead. Except a) it’s not a superstorm, it’s a typical hurricane, and b) […]

A Warming World Could Totally Mean Crocodiles Everywhere Or Something

In a sane world, this type of article would be a pure “jumping the shark” moment. Alas, the number of bat guano crazy articles emanating from the Cult of Climastrology weekly are quite large, and never stop. Here’s today’s from TakePart’s Padma Nagappan A Warming World Could Be a Crocodile-Infested One A warming planet is […]

Here We Go: Huffington Post Links Hurricane Joaquin With ‘Climate Change’

Most news outlets have wisely stayed away from this proposition, something that is not based on science. Not Huffington Post’s Lydia O’Conner How Climate Change Is Intensifying Hurricane Joaquin Warmer oceans are making everything worse. As the East Coast prepares for a possible Hurricane Joaquin landfall, experts warn that its intensity and potential for destruction are […]

Cult of Climastrology: ‘Climate Change’ Will Make Ocean Levels Swing Like A Seesaw

It’s a day ending in a “Y”, so it must be time for yet another scaremongering prognostication Climate Change and El Niño Will Make Ocean Levels Swing Like a Seesaw The ups and downs experienced on a Seesaw may be fun for kids in the park, but it’s alarming when climate scientists start comparing our […]

Hurricane Joaquin Is #ClimateChange Or Something

I’m actually surprised that so few members of the Cult of Climastrology have linked Joaquin to climate change, but, hey, it just reached hurricane status, so there is plenty of time for them to trot out their stale talking points. So far, here’s the winner Tropical Storm #Joaquin fed by record sea surface temperatures. #climatechange […]

Hotcoldwetdry Will Cause Severe Psychological Problems Or Something

The latest unhinged scary fable, this one from Soros funded Think Progress This Is Your Brain On Climate Change We spend vast amounts of time and personal energy trying to calculate the most urgent threats posed by climate change. Washington, D.C. psychiatrist and climate activist Lise Van Susteren, however, says the most insidious danger may […]

Warmists: Carbon Pollution Will Totally Doom Us In 20k Years

If we don’t leave all fossil fuels in the ground starting now…wait, I thought other Cult of Climastrology members were saying that no one was saying that? (Takepart) Keep it in the ground. That’s the rallying cry of environmentalists who warn that burning the world’s remaining fossil fuel reserves would unleash catastrophic climate change. That’s […]

Pirate's Cove