June 2, 2015 – 10:39 am
I’ve been telling you that the Cult of Climastrology movement to make climate change a big national security issue has been ramping up, and there are tons of hits in the news for this. Here’s one of them (note: this actually ran at CNN back on May 20th, and was pulled by WGBH) Why We […]
May 31, 2015 – 2:28 pm
The latest bat guano insane prognostication from the Cult Of Climastrology Insights into climate change’s impact on children released IF we don’t tackle climate change as a matter of urgency, this will be the last generation of children to live longer than their parents, warns leading Australian child health researcher, paediatrician and former Australian of […]
May 22, 2015 – 10:07 am
Not mentioned is how the best way to lift people out of poverty is reliable, affordable energy Conservatives against children Some will scoff. Some will send me e-mails full of expletives and hate. That’s normal. Some will become incensed as they rant and rail. But it is a fact. There is one interest group actively […]
May 18, 2015 – 12:00 pm
Of course it does. Despite virtually every other study saying “nope!”, and even the UN IPCC hedging its bets, the Cult of Climastrology has continued to trot out talking points about extreme weather and climate change, hence the need for a “scientific” study Droughts, Floods and Heatwaves: Blame It on Climate Change As temperatures soar […]
May 18, 2015 – 8:17 am
Will we be able to place this in the long list of failed Warmist/Enviroweenie prognostications? Will NASA post a “whoops! We were wrong” press release if it doesn’t come to pass? (note: the 2020 date is contained in the CNN headline, while the study says this will “likely” happen by the end of the decade) […]
May 12, 2015 – 2:52 pm
First the Cult Of Climastrology stated categorically that the 2005 hurricane season would be the new normal, with lots and lots of storm, ranging from tropical depressions to monster hurricanes, making landfall. When that quickly failed to come to pass, they started saying that hurricanes would be fewer but stronger. Then, when the big hurricanes […]
May 10, 2015 – 6:32 pm
In the future, of course Fairbanks may be stronghold for ‘last skiers’: Climate changing bringing uncertainty to winter sports Interior Alaskans have often joked about global warming, especially in the middle of winter. The cartoon above by local artist Jamie Smith is a joke, but it has a kernel of truth. It appears that temperatures […]
May 8, 2015 – 4:57 pm
Can you guess what’s missing from the BBC article? Any attempt to reach out to the target. Most news organizations are essentially blogs nowadays, taking material and running with it, without reaching out to the people they are attacking. Though, they, like the other articles, did reach out to Warmists to attempt to rebut Newman […]
May 7, 2015 – 7:24 am
NOAA breathlessly reports Greenhouse gas benchmark reached Global carbon dioxide concentrations surpass 400 parts per million for the first month since measurements began For the first time since we began tracking carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere, the monthly global average concentration of this greenhouse gas surpassed 400 parts per million in March 2015, according […]
May 1, 2015 – 11:15 am
Of course, most of the articles written will not actually tell you the numbers. They’re all going with One in six of world’s species faces extinction due to climate change – study One in six of the planet’s species will be lost forever to extinction if world leaders fail to take action on climate change, […]