Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Hotcoldwetdry Should Totally Be Renamed “Climate Disruption” Or Something

Because this is what is done with science. Change the names. Remember all those times that the Theory of Gravity was changed to make it more palatable for the masses? Forget Global Warming And Climate Change, Call It ‘Climate Disruption’ People have been learned to cope with change by thinking it’s not all bad, but […]

But Of Course: Syria War Blamed (Again) On Climate Change

This is in no way a new meme: Warmists and Progressives have been pushing it for years, partially as a way to continue pushing their Cult Of Climastrology, partly as a way to avoid the notion of extremist Islam. And, to a degree, to protect Obama from his incompetence and that of his administration in […]

Bubonic Plague Is Like Totally Linked To “Climate Change”

Warmists have been pushing the “climate change will make diseases oh so worse. Doom!” meme hard for the past couple of weeks. No surprise, this crops up almost every year, particularly during the winter. Science 2.0 reprints an article from The Conversation. See if you can guess whats’ missing Bubonic Plague Linked To Climate Change […]

Sports Fans Are Going To Totally Have To Deal With Hotcoldwetdry

As are sports, ya know! Hey Sports Fans: Time to Deal with Climate Change, and it Won’t be Cheap Just two weeks ago, the year 2014 was dubbed the hottest year on earth since the start of record keeping in 1880. Separate data compilations from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed […]

Climate Weenies Totally Worried About Megadrought

Today’s “zOMG, we’re doooooooomed!” story Megadrought may plague parts of USA We ain’t seen nothing yet: The intense drought in California is only an appetizer compared with what’s coming this century across much of the western and central USA, according to a study out Thursday. During the years 2050 to 2100, the Southwest and Great […]

Awesome: More Illustrations Of “Climate Change” Doom

You have to admire Warmists: they just never ever give up. Of course, there is that whole bat guano insane aspect (FYI: the inability to use proper capitalization is a function of the website, not me) evgeny kazantsev forecasts the effects of cataclysmic climate change the world as we’ve never seen it before — evgeny kazantsev presents […]

Bummer: “world could turn nearly uninhabitable within current lifetimes” From Hotcoldwetdry

Doom Abrupt Climate Change, Already? There are some serious scientists who believe it is already here. If their analysis is correct, the world could turn nearly uninhabitable within current lifetimes. And those serious scientists are looking at real data, right? Nevertheless, it’s the scientists who base their opinion on first hand knowledge, “boots on the […]

Good News: USA Has 78.9% Change It Will Survive Hotcoldwetdry

Though, if you really want to survive, you’ll have to move to Norway, which has an 82.7% chance The Countries Most Likely To Survive Climate Change In One Infographic Climate change is real, and it’s coming. But we’re all going to be affected in different ways. How will your country fare? The folks at Eco […]

Awesome: Hotcoldwetdry To Turn Chicago Into Texas Or Something

Yet another insane prognostication from the Cult Of Warming Climate Change Could Turn Chicago into Texas, Report Claims Last year was the hottest on record, and if climate change persists, it could get a lot worse, a new report claims, warning Chicago’s climate could mirror that of modern-day Texas by the end of the century. […]

Oh, Snap: Doomsday Clock Moved To 3 Minutes Thanks To “Climate Change” And Nuclear Weapons

This one deserves the “oh, snap”. Or “LOL”. Perhaps “snort, chuckle” (PBS)  Scientists moved the hands on the Doomsday Clock two minutes closer to midnight on Thursday. The clock now stands at three minutes to apocalypse. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) created the clock in 1947, following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and […]

Pirate's Cove