Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Latest Warmist Scary Fable: Sea Level Rise Is Like Totally Accelerating And We’re Doomed

Whipping the peasants up into a frenzy Greater Acceleration of Global Sea-Level Rise than Previous Estimates New research out of Harvard University shows that previous estimates of global sea-level rise from 1900-1990 were overestimated by up to 30 percent. However, since 1990 sea-level rise estimates have been confirmed by this new research which means that […]

High Flying EPA Head Gina McCarthy: Doing Nothing On Climate Change Is “Scary”

Scary, you guys! (Washington Post) Climate change predictions can be scary, and political opposition to climate action is fierce. But EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy says she can’t help but be optimistic about the future. McCarthy, speaking at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) annual meeting in Phoenix on Wednesday, struck a decidedly positive tone. “If there […]

Latest Warmist Push: Leave All Fossil Fuels In The Ground

And they mean it (UK Guardian) Vast amounts of oil in the Middle East, coal in the US, Australia and China and many other fossil fuel reserves will have to be left in the ground to prevent dangerous climate change, according to the first analysis to identify which existing reserves cannot be burned. The new […]

Bummer: 2014 Hottest For Britain!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, this means we’re doomed (Raw Story) Last year was Britain’s warmest since records began in 1910, the Met Office weather agency said. Sooooooo, we have a record that only goes back to 1910, 60 years into a typical Holocene warm period? Seriously? No one in England has records before than? Actually, there are, if […]

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Alters Taste Of Wine

Because, as we all know, the climate has been perfectly stable over the last 4.5 billion years, until the invention of the fossil fueled vehicle Global warming alters wine taste Grapes such as pinot noir, merlot and chardonnay are now growing more quickly, subtly changing the compounds produced as they ripen and the synchronisation between […]

Bummer: Urban Dwellers Power Supplies At Risk From “Climate Change”

Of, course, not because the urban residents, who tend to be much more Left leaning and believe in Hotcoldwetdry, push policies which reduce the available power from old school, and reliable, methods like coal and natural gas, and tend to be anti-nuclear power, in favor of unreliable and low throughput types like wind and power, […]

Say, What Will “Hellish Global Warming” Look Like?

It’s doom worthy, as they trot out yet another tipping point fable This Is What Our Hellish World Will Look Like After We Hit the Global Warming Tipping Point the de facto assumption of climate change policy is that the world must limit the increase in global temperatures to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) […]

Warmists: Here’s Your World Underwater

The end of the last ice age occurred roughly 21000 years ago. Serious sea rise from melting occurred starting around 15000 years ago, leveling out around 8000 years ago. They sea rise was roughly 130 meters, which equals 426 feet. Since 8k years ago, there has been an average see rise of 7 inches per […]

Weather Is Totally Hotter And Weirder Because Of “Climate Change” Or Something

Let’s review: “climate change” refers to anthropogenic global warming, a notion that Mankind is causing the Earth to become warmer through our output of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide. It was renamed “climate change” in order to cover ever single weather occurrence, including cold, snow, and ice. Furthermore, calling it “climate change” allows Warmists to […]

Earth Is Like Totally Moving Towards A 6th Great Extinction Or Something

We need to head the warnings, y’all! Because it’s the end of days! Heed the Warnings: Why We’re on the Brink of Mass Extinction Evolutionary biologist Sean B. Carroll, executive producer of the doc Mass Extinction: Life At the Brink, on why mankind’s days are numbered. ….. But now, to that list of calamities to […]

Pirate's Cove