Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Newest Prognostication: Hotcoldwetdry Will Increase Lightning Strikes

You had to use a hair dryer, take a 5 minute shower, and drive a fossil fueled vehicle to work today, stopping to pick up a breakfast sandwich, so, this will all be your fault. If it happens. Because it might mayba Lightning Strikes 50 Percent More Often with Climate Change We already know that […]

UN IPCC: All Use Of Fossil Fuels Needs To Stop To Save The Climate

As expected, the report is continuing the theme of apocalyptic doom (Fox News) Climate change is happening, it’s almost entirely man’s fault and limiting its impacts may require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero this century, the U.N.’s panel on climate science said Sunday. The fourth and final volume of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]

Team Obama To Release Doomy Climate Change Plan As Massive Cold Front Rolls Through

Why would Team Obama release a climate change report on Halloween? It’s not like most Americans actually care that much. Maybe they’re trying to get out their younger base to vote. Anyhow (Washington Post) The Obama administration on Friday plans to publish a small library’s worth of climate change documents, outlining 38 federal agencies’ vulnerabilities to global […]

UN IPCC To Announce Yet Another Coming Super Dire Tipping Point

‘Cause doom or something (USA Today) The United Nations’ leading panel on climate change is preparing to warn of “severe, pervasive and irreversible” weather and climate extremes if the world doesn’t start to corral greenhouse gases that cause global warming, according to a draft of its report. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world’s […]

Good Grief: Warmists Now Linking Autism To “Climate Change”

These people are shameless. But, then, we already knew that (Guardian) Autism has been linked to man-made toxic pollutants in the air, a symptom of global warming and climate change. Researchers at University of Pittsburgh have published a new study on autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the journal of The American Association of Aerosol Research. […]

Canadian Town Cancels Trick or Treating Cause “Climate Change”

See, polar bears are wandering into town, so they’re worried about the little snowflakes (wisely), and this can only be caused by Hotcoldwetdry (Slate) The children of one small town in northern Canada are on the front lines of climate change. In Arviat (map), a hamlet of 2,300 people in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, […]

Climate Hysteria Today: Nothing Is More Dangerous Than Hotcoldwetdry

From The Doom Files Editorial: No threat more threatening than climate change …. An evaluation of the actual danger posed by the Islamic State is a subject for a later time, but at least right now, the group – while it is vicious and barbaric and wants to hurt us – has limited capability to […]

Latest “Climate Change” Scare: Walruses Congregating In Large Numbers

This means doom, of course As sea ice melts amid global warming, 35,000 walrus crowd the shores of Alaska In days of yore, the life of a Pacific walrus was idyllic. Blubbery and social, these 1 1/2 ton beasts laid on sea ice, holding court. Their favorite food, shellfish, was just a short trip down […]

UK Guardian: Kids Should Be Brainwashed About Climate Change At School

The UK Guardian really, really, really wants “climate change” to be taught in schools, because no schools apparently do this at all now It’s time to teach climate change in school. Here’s how We need to give our kids the tools to observe and understand the effects of a changing climate – for their future […]

Doom Delayed: We Now Have 20 Years Till Climate Disaster

Yet another doom and gloom prognostication of future doom (Grist) With every year that passes, we’re getting further away from averting a human-caused climate disaster. That’s the key message in this year’s “Low Carbon Economy Index,” a report released by the accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers. The report highlights an “unmistakable trend.” The world’s major economies are […]

Pirate's Cove