Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Darn it: Greenhouse gas levels in atmosphere hit new high and temps still refuse to rise

Bummer (Yahoo News) Surging levels of carbon dioxide sent greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a new record in 2013, while oceans, which absorb the emissions, have become more acidic than ever, the UN said on Tuesday. “We know without any doubt that our climate is changing and our weather is becoming more extreme due […]

You Need To Give Up Burgers To Save The Planet From Getting A Fever

Yeah, I mean you. Not the article writers. You. Here’s Warmists Alex Rodin If you really care about climate change you’ll stop eating burgers Give up meat, save the planet. It really could be that simple, as new research warns that without radical changes to our diets, the food industry alone is likely to cause […]

Cool Summers Don’t Invalidate Hotcoldwetdry, Cause Complexity Or Something

As dogmatic as the Westboro Baptist Church or any other cult (Boston Globe) LABOR DAY has come and gone. Autumn looms. But how can summer be over when it never really began? If you feel cheated — where were the scorchers and leaden humid nights? — it’s not your imagination. July and August really did feel […]

UN Looks In Crystal Ball, Creates Weather Forecasts For 2015

Of course, these are all about doomsaying regarding “climate change” (CNS News) In a fresh effort to generate fervor for a far-reaching new global climate agreement, a U.N. agency is releasing videos featuring “imaginary but realistic” weather reports set in 2050, to illustrate the type of extreme conditions it predicts we will face by mid-century. […]

Global Warming Will Collapse Labor Or Somethin

What would Labor Day be without the always wacky Joe Romm chiming in? (Climate Progress) Global warming is projected to have a serious negative impact on labor productivity this century. Here is a look at what we know. In 2013, a NOAA study projected that “heat-stress related labor capacity losses will double globally by 2050 with a […]

Warmist Juan Cole: Forget ISIS And Russia, Cause Climate Change Is The Real Threat

Juan Cole has long been a leading voice of Crazy within the Left-o-sphere (here’s an oldy but goody where he wants coal use criminalized). Here’s another example U.S. Public Worried About ISIL and Putin but Climate Change Is the Real Challenge This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page. In a new Pew/ USA Today poll, […]

The Latest UN IPCC Report Is Terrifying Or Something

What’s terrifying is the hysteria, doom-saying, hyperbole, and how easily Progressives buy into this idiocy The U.N.’s latest report on climate change is terrifying Yep, we know that greenhouse gas emissions are through the roof, and that climate change is already happening in a big, bad way, and that it’s only getting worse. But did you […]

Washington Post: American Can’t Wait While World Warms Or Something

Monday we learned that the Washington Post Editorial Board has become a group of climate activists. Today, they say that America can’t wait FOR MORE than a century, scientists have understood the basic physics of the greenhouse effect. For decades, they’ve realized humans can affect the climate by burning coal, oil and gas. But the […]

Good Grief: Climate Change To Ruin Your Breakfast And Drown Atlanta From Sea Rise

Quite frankly, this sounds like deja vu. I’m sure I’ve seen this before. But, hey, like any good (and debunked) Warmist meme, it keeps coming back around 5 Ways Climate Change Is Ruining Your Breakfast 1. Rising cereal prices. Kix might be kid-tested and mother-approved, but have fun buying them in 2030, when their cost […]

NY Times: Climate Change Causes A “Climate Penalty”

Strange that this happens in far left cities Cities’ Air Problems Only Get Worse With Climate Change The threats from climate change are many: extreme weather, shrinking snowpack, altered ecosystems and rising and more acidic seas, to name a few. Another lesser-known issue may hit especially close to home for city dwellers. In the world’s […]

Pirate's Cove