Category Archives: AGW Scaremongering

Bummer: Climate Change Provides A Lesson Of Civilization Collapse

Total doom, y’all! Lessons From The Last Time Civilization Collapsed Consider this, if you would: a network of far-flung, powerful, high tech civilizations closely tied by trade and diplomatic embassies; an accelerating threat of climate change and its pressure on food production; a rising wave of displaced populations ready to sweep across and overwhelm developed […]

Beware The Climate Dragon Or Something

Is this going to be some sort of Warmists meme? Ten days ago we learned that we are f*cked by the climate dragon. Now we get Beware the dragon of runaway climate change In news footage of recent tsunamis there are moments when the astonishment of gaping beachgoers and onlookers turns to terror as they […]

Good Grief: CNBC Wonders If “Climate Change” Is Key To Ebola Spread

There’s a fine line between idiotic/scaremongering and irresponsible. Warmist propaganda frequently crosses that line. This article by CNBC’s Katy Barnato demolishes that line Ebola outbreaks may become more frequent because of climate change, scientists have warned, as the deadly disease ravages four countries across West Africa. Nearly 2,000 people have caught Ebola since the epidemic […]

Warmist Proclaims Hotcoldwetdry Causing Fewer, But Stronger, Tornadoes

This is reminiscent of the hurricanes debate. First we were told that there would be more hurricanes because of “climate change”. The massive 2005 season would be the “new normal”. When hurricane activity, particularly for landfalling systems, immediately started drying up the following season, we were told that there wouldn’t be as many, but that […]

Warmist: Things Are So Bad We’re F*cked By The Climate Dragon Or Something

Another day, another unhinged Warmist When a Climate Scientist Publicly States “We’re F**ked” Things Are Bad It’s one thing to note the unusually hot weather we’ve been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is “f**ked”, it’s probably time to get seriously worried. Scientists at […]

Say, Will “Climate Change” Make Ebola Breakouts Worse?

You had to know that someone was going to go down the road in wondering about “climate change” and Ebola, and the answer is yes and no and maybe and possibly and “hey, we’re going to make you think about it because Hotcoldwetdry is involved with everything, and why are you still driving a fossil […]

Aussie Possum Is The New Polar Bear Or Something

Having failed with polar bears, which have seen most populations thrive, Warmists now turn their sights to a possum (SMH) A rare Australian possum is being dubbed the new polar bear of climate change. Just four white lemuroid ringtail possums have been found in the wild and scientists say the species could soon become the […]

Say, Is Global Warming Causing Jet Stream Related Cooling?

In Warmist World, of course it is. And by “warming”, they mean “man caused” Is global warming causing extreme weather via jet stream waves? A new study investigates how changes to atmospheric winds are making weather more extreme Extreme compared to…..? Oh, right, computer models. Here’s where it gets fun As I sit here in […]

Bummer: “Connecitcut” Will Be 10 Degrees Warmer By 2100

Where is this “Connecitcut”? (SFGate) If you didn’t think this summer could get any hotter, just wait … A while … about 85 years, to be exact. Researchers at Climate Central have put together a handy tool which lets you see just how bad summers will get by 2100, if global warming predictions are accurate and nothing […]

Warmists Look To Waste Money To Save Seniors And Poor From Slight Increase In Temperature

Because they care or something. Just not enough to give up their own fossil fueled lifestyles ( Climate change in New Jersey isn’t just a threat to the owner of a beach house down the Shore. In many ways, it’s even more pressing for people who live nowhere near the coast. These are the elderly, […]

Pirate's Cove