Category Archives: AGW Socialism

Climate Cultists (and climahypocrites) Hate Free Speech

So, you have a ton of Elites taking long, fossil fueled trips to NYC for the UN meeting, and yammering about the climate crisis scam. How many took private jets and then were ferried around in low MPG limos/SUVs, with big retinues. And there’s former New Zealand Comrade Prime Minister Jacinda Ardean. I’m not sure […]

People’s Republik Of California Sues Fossil Fuels Companies

Don’t expect Gavin Newsome, Attorney General Rob Bonta, the PRC elected officials, or state government employees to stop using fossil fuels themselves. This is more of a cash grab using ‘climate change’ as the backdrop California sues major oil companies, claiming they deceived on climate change for decades California sued some of the world’s largest […]

Brandon’s “Climate Law” Is Reshaping Private Investment Or Something

Was this the law that was supposed to be about inflation reduction, but, was all about other things? Biden’s Climate Law Is Reshaping Private Investment in the United States Private investment in clean energy projects such as solar panels, hydrogen power and electric vehicles surged after President Joe Biden signed an expansive climate bill into […]

PRC Pushing Strict Climate (scam) Reporting Rules For Business

Sure, it’s always a wise idea to pass more laws that drive more businesses out of the state, right? California lawmakers approve the nation’s most sweeping emissions disclosure rules for big business Major corporations from oil and gas companies to retail giants would have to disclose their direct greenhouse gas emissions as well as those that come […]

Small Island Nations Sue Over Global Boiling

They’re totally worried about the sea rise. And getting lots of sweet, sweet, climate cash from Other Countries with no strings attached Small island nations take high-emitting countries to court to protect the ocean In a landmark hearing, small island nations disproportionately affected by the climate crisis will take on high-emitting countries in a court […]

Reuters Demands Action At COP28 Or Something

You know what real action would look like? Well, for one, reporters not acting as activists, which is what is happening her. Also, not having tens of thousands take long fossil fueled travel, buying all sorts of fast fashion which lets them take all their cute selfies, all while demanding that Other People reduce their […]

UN Super Excited To Help Kids Sue Over Global Boiling

The United Nations, full of con artists, shady dictators, and authoritarians, wouldn’t have any sort of ulterior motive, would they? UN seeks to help children battling climate change in court A United Nations body on Monday updated a key treaty designed to protect children’s rights to strengthen their hand in fighting climate change, as they […]

Reversing A Slight Increase In Global Temperatures Over 170 Years Will Take All Of Us Or Something

It’s always interesting when one of the Warmists tell us we have to Do Something, yet, they never tell us what they’ve done themselves. In this case, Delaware Sen. Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman Reversing harm of climate change will take all of us Extreme heat. Smoke-filled skies. Violent storms and deadly flash floods. Record-breaking ocean temperatures. […]

Portland Has 5 Year Plan To Spend $750 Million On “Climate Justice”

I’m really looking forward to the unintended consequences Portland Clean Energy Fund unveils 5-year plan, $750M projected spending after overhaul Portland’s first-of-its-kind climate justice program unveiled its five-year plan Thursday to invest hundreds of millions of dollars toward climate action. The revealed plan increases focus on community resilience, transparency and accountability. That’s after the Portland […]

Hotcoldwetdry, Natural Disasters, Racial Inequality, Argle Garble

When people ask why I say this is not about science, but, pure cult based politics, I ask if they’ve actually read articles about ‘climate change’. How many actually show the science? How many avoid mentioning actual data? How many do something like this? Climate Change Worsens Natural Disasters Alongside Racial Inequality Another summer, another […]

Pirate's Cove