Category Archives: AGW Socialism

COP29’s Real Focus Is On Money Or Something

What this is really about right now is about taking your hard-earned money in the 1st World and sending it elsewhere Climate talks open with calls for a path away from the ‘road to ruin.’ But the real focus is money United Nations annual climate talks stuttered to a start Monday with more than nine […]

Ahead Of COP29 WHO Wants Health To Be Part Of Climate 9scam) Agenda

I’ve been telling people since the mid-200’s that Hotcoldwetdry is the platform for governmental control over everything, all in the name of Saving The Planet. This is not an environmental movement, it is a political movment WHO demands urgent integration of health in climate negotiations ahead of COP29 Ahead of the 2024 UN Climate Change […]

Former Rep Mike Pappas Explains Why “Polluter Pays” Is A Bad Idea

If only Republicans at the state and federal levels would introduce bills to make those who vote for ‘climate change’ bills give up all use of fossil fuels for official business. As a start Op-Ed: ‘Polluter pays’ bill to address climate change is not in main street’s best interest New Jersey lawmakers just introduced another […]

Rolling Stone: The Polls Are Totally Wrong On The Importance Of Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

You stupid peasants need to stop believing your eyes with the polls that say the climate crisis (scam) isn’t as important as other issues. Those being polled have totally the wrong feelings on the subject (it’s paywalled pretty hard, you can read it at Yahoo) THE POLLS ARE UNDERESTIMATING THE IMPORTANCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Polls […]

Climate Cult Wonders If Authoritarianism Is On The Rise Due To Global Boiling

Is it? Obviously, the Warmists at Grist believe so or they wouldn’t run this “we’re just wondering” piece Authoritarianism is on the rise. Is climate change to blame? In November 2013, one of the strongest tropical cyclones in history made landfall in the Philippines. Known locally as Super Typhoon Yolanda, the storm pummeled the island country with […]

Bummer: World Still Clinging To Fossil Fuels, Despite Pledges

Um, who was making the pledges? ‘Waiting in vain’: year on from pledge, world clings to fossil fuels One year after world leaders issued the landmark call for a global move away from fossil fuels, nations are failing to turn that promise into action, say climate diplomats, campaigners and policy experts. Countries are being urged […]

Biden Admin Approves Massive Lithium And Boron Mine In Nevada

In order to build all those EVs Biden wants for Other People many things are needed, including lithium and Boron America Approves Colossal Nevada Mine With Enough Lithium for Untold Millions of Electric Cars The Biden administration has approved a gigantic lithium and boron mine — and though the project could revolutionize America’s electric car […]

Surprise: World Bank Lost Track Of $24 Billion In Climate (scam) Funds

These are the same grand poobahs of the climate cult who want trillions redistributed from taxpayers in 1st World Nations World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24B in funds fighting climate change: ‘Could be twice or 10 times more’ Bungling World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24 billion bankrolling the battle against […]

Surprise: Environmental Justice Raked In $500 Million From Taxpayers

All thanks to Biden-Harris and their graft machine (via Watts Up With That?) ‘Clear Conflict of Interest’: Biden-Harris Environmental Justice Advisors Raked In Nearly $500 Million From Taxpayers The Biden-Harris administration’s environmental justice advisors are slated to receive or influence the disbursal of nearly half a billion dollars in grant funding from agencies they advise. […]

Cult Crazy: Almost 40% Would Be Up For WWII Style Rationing

Well, if they keep backing leftist politicians they will get WWIII style rationing Almost 40% would agree to WW2-style RATIONING to fight climate change After the end of World War II, it took Britain almost a decade to finally abolish rationing for everyday goods. While the war may be almost 80 years in the past, […]

Pirate's Cove