February 25, 2016 – 10:22 am
There’s one thing that’s missing from the press release from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, comrades Proposed Law to Ensure Transparency, Accountability for Use of Cap and Trade Auction Proceeds To build on the work already underway to fight the effects of climate change, Ontario is laying a foundation to join the […]
February 14, 2016 – 7:38 am
Do you fly for work or pleasure? Good news: a UN agency is looking to reduce the “carbon emissions” of airplanes, which will have the effect of making your flights more expensive. If you are a very rich person, this won’t bother your. If you’re a middle or lower class person, it will make the […]
January 24, 2016 – 7:54 am
I always get a kick out of Democrats attempting to explain the “free market”, particularly as it applies to ‘climate change’. Their version of the free market is always interesting. Here’s the Editorial Board of the Frederick News-Post, a Maryland paper, who killed lots of trees to publish their paper and use vast amounts of […]
September 21, 2015 – 3:53 pm
One of the things members of the Cult Of Climastrology, including elected officials, media outlets, and low hanging Warmists, constantly push for is a “carbon tax”, usually in a manner that they think will only effect Other People. And they always tell us that this artificial construct would be the free market in action. For […]
August 25, 2015 – 4:45 pm
There was cheating involved. Can you imagine that? (Politico) A flawed scheme that allowed companies to earn tradable carbon credits for projects supposed to abate industrial gases actually created a “perverse†incentive to generate more waste, leading to an increase in global emissions instead of cuts, according to a new study. The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) found that […]
June 7, 2015 – 5:58 pm
Yes, this does come from the same paper that kills lots of trees and uses vast amounts of power and fossil fuels to gather the news, publish their paper, and distribute their paper The Case for a Carbon Tax In a welcome development, businesses are asking world leaders to do more to address climate change. […]
June 3, 2015 – 7:46 am
In a thinly veiled opinion piece, which appears in the business section, not the science section, writer Eduardo Porter is all about using a big stick on countries, especially the United States, which refuse to implement massive CO2 restrictions Climate Deal Badly Needs a Big Stick ….. Perhaps the word failure fits, however. More than […]
February 23, 2015 – 4:06 pm
Interestingly, he really doesn’t seem to want to pass cap and trade, he just wants to use it for political reasons….hmm, that sounds exactly like what I’ve been saying for years, that “climate change” is primarily a political tool (CNN) With Republicans in control of both houses of Congress, the odds of passing a climate […]
January 6, 2015 – 7:47 am
Of course, every time is time for a carbon tax in Warmist World. And, yes, this is the same Lawrence Summers who advised Obama from 2009-2010 as the economy cratered and Democrats authorized their trillion dollars in stimulus that failed (Washington Post) The case for carbon taxes has long been compelling. With the recent steep […]
November 20, 2014 – 7:28 am
Hey, why not? Obama and his Democrat henchmen have already done great damage to the economy, why not kick it up a notch? (Think Progress) In a sense, the problem of climate change is incredibly simple: certain people are dumping carbon into the atmosphere, and in the coming decades we will all suffer from the […]