Category Archives: Carbon Credits

Senator Whitehouse Exposes Carbon Tax Push As A Redistribution Scheme

As I’ve noted numerous times, the whole “climate change” schtick is really just another part of the far left Progressive policy push, an attempt to instituted their out of the mainstream agenda. Senator Whitehouse unintentionally exposes part of that push (ECO Watch) Delivering a keynote address at the New York University Institute for Policy Integrity’s fall conference, […]

Know How To Get Conservatives To Support A Carbon Tax?

Warmist Ian Adams opines (Oregon Live) Conservatives are conditioned to wince at the mention of the word “tax.” Mention the term “carbon tax,” and many will recoil altogether. Still, in the only place in North America where a carbon tax has been introduced, it has been something of a success. U.S. states in the Pacific […]

Can You Guess What The Blueprint Is For Saving The World From Climate Hell?

If you guessed “Warmists should give up use of fossil fuels, air conditioning, ice makers, hair dryers, DVRs, smartphones, computers, and should walk/bike to work, only buy local, plant their own gardens, line dry their clothes, and just go completely carbon neutral in order to show non-believers that they’re serious and believe what they say”, […]

Washington Post: Hey, A “Climate Change” Plan Conservatives Should Support

The Washington Post Editorial Board has continued their abdication of being a news organization to being an activist one all week (I missed yesterday’s editorial, but, it was just as dumb as the rest), and here comes more insanity (we’re still waiting for the one where the members of the EB proclaim they themselves will […]

Australia Axes The Carbon Tax

Climate Depot gives this the “champagne glass cheer” (SMH) Australia on Thursday became the first country in the world to abolish a price on carbon, with the Senate passing the government’s repeal bills 39 votes to 32. After two weeks of negotiations, and several false starts, the Abbott government achieved its long-held ambition to axe […]

In Order To Solve Hotcoldwetdry, How High Does The Carbon Tax Need To Be?

I’m not sure why we need one in the first place. There has been no statistically significant warming in almost 18 years. More importantly, there’s no hard scientific proof that the Modern Warm Period, or even the brief increase in global temperatures that occured from around 1980 to 1996, was the result of CO2. Anyhow […]

How To Save The Planet From Hotcoldwetdry?

Warmist Bill Moyers is utterly concerned with saving the planet from “climate change”, so, obviously, he recommends that Warmists practice what they preach, and has promised to give up his own use of fossil fuels! Oh, wait, no, he wants spreading awareness and a carbon tax How to Save the Planet blah blah blah We […]

Obviously, We’re Doomed From Sea Rise

Of course, all the good little Warmists, from the big folks at the national and international media, to bloggers are losing their minds over the National Climate Assessment, because “climate change is here now”. Because there was no climate change before or something. Here’s one that has gone beyond losing their minds Global warming has […]

Know What’s Perfect For Christmas? Carbon Offsets

No, really, the press release says so This Christmas Give the Miracle of a Clean Tomorrow for Grandchildren Leading carbon offset provider CarbonClix has launched a revolutionary Christmas campaign to provide shoppers with a magnificent alternative to those dull traditional Christmas gifts. “A carbon clix gift voucher is the perfect gift for friends and family […]

Warmists Robert J. Samuelson: We’re Not Sure What’s Going To Happen, But Let’s Get A Carbon Tax In Place Anyhow

The delusion of the Warmists is on complete display in this opinion piece called Global warming pragmatism Economist Robert Pindyck of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently examined the computer models that estimate the effects and costs of climate change — and he didn’t like what he found. The models reflect two gaping uncertainties, he […]

Pirate's Cove