Category Archives: Carbon Credits

Cap And Tax May Be Gone, Replaced With “Just Tax, Baby!”

It’s a good thing the Washington Post is there to tell us these kinds of things on a Saturday when most people are not watching: Senators to propose abandoning cape-and-trade Three key senators are engaged in a radical behind-the-scenes overhaul of climate legislation, preparing to jettison the broad “cap-and-trade” approach that has defined the legislative […]

CST: Sea Rise Claim Withdrawn Plus Others

Collapsing Science Today: Yet again, a supposed peer reviewed report in a major journal, and used by the UN IPCC, has issues. Shocking! Scientists have been forced to withdraw a study on projected sea level rise due to global warming after finding mistakes that undermined the findings. The study, published in 2009 in Nature Geoscience, […]

Eco-Funerals All The Rage In New Jersey

Proving that there is no end to people who are willing to buy the 21st century version of snake oil In a world that is increasingly renewable, recyclable and energy-efficient, many Americans already spend much of their lives in an eco-friendly environment. Now they can spend eternity there, too. (snip) People in the funeral industry […]

Fraud In The EU Carbon Trading System? The Heck You Say!

Say, how’s that carbon trading market working? The European Union (EU) Emission Trading System (ETS) has been the victim of fraudulent traders in the past 18 months. This resulted in losses of approximately 5 billion euros for several national tax revenues. It is estimated that in some countries, up to 90% of the whole market […]

Here Comes The Senate Cap And Tax Bill!

And it is only 800 pages! A climate change bill circulating in the Senate on Tuesday is slightly more ambitious than one passed in the House of Representatives, but still has many details to be worked out on how to encourage companies to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases. The legislation by Senators Barbara Boxer […]

AGW Today: Carbon Credits Now Fraud Targets

Of course, this might be redundant, since the whole AGW movement is a fraud HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has recently uncovered what is thought to be the first attempted UK tax fraud in the carbon emissions trading market. The tax dodge is a variation of the “carousel” VAT fraud. Carousel fraud, also known as […]

Four Questions For Climahysteric Cap ‘N Taxers

With the passage of the massively insane Waxman-Markey cap and tax bill, here are four questions to ask those who support it, particularly the politicians who voted for it and AGW leaders such as Al Gore 1. Did you read the bill before throwing your support behind it? Did you read the 300 page dead of […]

AGW Today: Losers, Compromise, And Censored EPA Report

Who were the losers in the cap and tax bill? Anyone who pays an electric bill would likely feel the impact of climate legislation. Utilities will try to raise rates as they invest in cleaner-yet-more-expensive energy sources. Some have already announced plans to do so. Petroleum companies also may try to import more of their refined gas […]

Data Dump: What’s In The Cap And Tax Bill?

I made the mistake of going over to Thomas and skimming through the majority of the climate change OMG WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE IF THIS ISN’T PASSED! THINK OF THE CHILDREN (they didn’t think of the children when they passed Porkulus) MANKIND IS BAD SAVE THE WORLD NOW monstrosity of a legislative bill. Here […]

Boehner on Speaker Pelosi’s National Energy Tax: “I Have Never Seen Anything This Ridiculous”

Time and time again, I and others have pointed out that the whole anthropogenic global warming silliness is not about “saving the planet from mankind,” but about control. People might have believed in it a bit more if the people who pushed it the hardest weren’t the worst CO2 offenders, but, regardless, let’s ask John […]

Pirate's Cove