November 23, 2019 – 7:20 am
Well, it’s that Warmists are utter hypocrites, though CNN forgets to mention this Dirty planet but a clean conscience? The truth about airplane carbon offsetting In aviation, it would seem, claiming you’re going green is becoming as important as competing on fares. When European budget airline easyJet released its annual results this week, they paired […]
November 14, 2019 – 7:33 am
And it is totally bipartisan, you guys! How to Cut U.S. Carbon Pollution by Nearly 40 Percent in 10 Years In Washington, the immaculate solution to climate change has a name: a bipartisan, revenue-neutral carbon tax. The idea should have wide appeal. Under the plan, the government would charge companies for every ton of greenhouse […]
November 12, 2019 – 8:13 am
Personally, I’d recommend that all members of the Cult of Climastrology give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral, but, hey, they want everyone to suffer The Real Cost Of A $50 Trillion Climate Change Push In three weeks, the world’s leaders will begin to gather in Madrid for […]
October 23, 2019 – 4:01 pm
If the climate cultists in the E.U. government are considering doing it, that means that they are going to do it The E.U.’s looking at a ‘carbon border tax.’ What’s a carbon border tax? The incoming European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, was elected on a promise to deliver a “European Green Deal.†A […]
October 21, 2019 – 8:19 am
The Washington Post editorial board is on a roll in calling carbon taxes the best solution for Hotcoldwetdry, and want Democrats to embrace them Why won’t Democrats embrace this solution for climate change? IN AN ideal world, our leaders would acknowledge the danger of climate change and seek the best way to combat it. If […]
October 9, 2019 – 8:21 am
This is fantastic. If the ballot measure doesn’t pass, it’s a hilarious blow to the Cult of Climastrology. If it does pass, they are essentially self-owning themselves by destroying their ability to use energy Ballot Measures Could Let Voters Act on Climate Change IF lawmakers again fail to pass a law regulating Oregon’s greenhouse gas […]
August 17, 2019 – 10:46 am
The “or something” is for Warmists noting just how bad carbon pricing is for “developing nations”, but failing to make the connection to every other nation Carbon Pricing Is Not a Fix for Climate Change There is much talk today about carbon pricing to reduce CO2 emissions and address climate change. Unlike many environmental pollutants […]
July 23, 2019 – 10:48 am
This really isn’t anything new, it’s just being repackaged in a way to make Americans say “free money? Cool!” Let’s pay every American to reduce emissions As alarm over climate change rises, the idea of a “Green New Deal†is growing in popularity, including among candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. But most of the candidates have […]
June 27, 2019 – 4:40 pm
This is the thought process of Warmists: cap and trade, along with carbon tax, schemes keep failing, mostly because citizens do not want them. In theory, citizens are enthused to Do Something about the man-caused climate change scam. But, in practice, not so much. So, hey, instead of pushing something more reasonable why not push […]
June 18, 2019 – 2:30 pm
Who could have possibly seen this coming? (via Watts Up With That?) California lawmakers are turning cap-and-trade into the slush fund critics long feared For years, critics of California’s cap-and-trade program have lambasted it as a government slush fund. They say that politicians are able to dip into it to fund their pet projects or […]