October 25, 2018 – 8:12 am
It is rather surprising that a very leftist paper in a very leftist city would do this, but, they have Reasons Warmist Seattle Times editorial board says vote "no" on a proposed state CO2 scam tax: "expensive and unaccountable" https://t.co/zYAj1r2C2o — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) October 23, 2018 From the editorial Climate change is a crisis […]
October 17, 2018 – 8:46 am
Democrats, and some squishy Progressive Republicans, keep trying to make a carbon tax happen. Funny that they never include themselves in the plan A carbon tax is a good idea — so long as it doesn’t come with industry handouts Exxon Mobil made a bit of a splash Tuesday when it announced a $1-million, two-year […]
October 16, 2018 – 6:05 pm
I hate to keep going to this same well again and again and again, but, they keep going to this same well ad nauseum The most powerful force for fighting climate change – now This was first published by the Wall Street Journal. Last week gave the world a ghastly climate show-and-tell. First came the new […]
October 9, 2018 – 7:17 am
As you know, there was a big climate change (scam) report released Monday that many media outlets are super enthused over Fewer than half of the top 50 U.S. newspapers featured the new landmark IPCC climate report on their homepages this morning. Was your hometown paper one of them? Find out. Analysis by @theodorejay: https://t.co/kLJl7aQ80Z […]
October 2, 2018 – 7:53 am
Christine Todd Whitman, formally governor of New Jersey totally convinces me that man-caused climate change is real, and that mankind is mostly/solely responsible! The original headline was something about Republicans reclaiming our tradition Gov. Whitman: I’m glad to see Republicans recognizing climate change. Now they must do something During my time as both governor of […]
September 20, 2018 – 10:30 am
It’s always wonderful when a rich person who takes lots of fossil fueled trips and wouldn’t really be affected by carbon taxes pushes carbon taxes, which is kinda letting the cat out of the bag as to what this is all really about Carbon taxes necessary in climate fight: World Bank chief MONTREAL (AFP) – […]
August 18, 2018 – 2:08 pm
This is one of those small things, but, when you have lots of small things they add up to a big thing. Kinda like that change jar with pennies, nickles, and dimes, which suddenly has $100 in. And this small thing is a Warmist wanting to put his beliefs on Other People Letter: Put a […]
August 16, 2018 – 2:45 pm
Cue the sad face Judge Dismisses Youth Climate Change Lawsuit in Washington State A group of young climate advocates who sued the state of Washington to force it to reduce greenhouse gas emissions lost their case on Tuesday when a judge sided with the state and agreed to dismiss it. The judge urged them to […]
August 8, 2018 – 10:30 am
This won’t get any airplay here in the U.S., nor most other countries, because it’s inconvenient https://twitter.com/Blazingcatfur/status/1026989378743062528 The Blazing Cat Fur post leads to this piece in the Toronto Sun (for those not familiar, that’s Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to the left, Climahysteric Minister Cathering Mckenna (liberals were very upset that someone set up a […]
August 3, 2018 – 10:45 am
I’ve covered this kind of thing again and again and again: so-called Republicans/Conservatives advocating for Doing Something about anthropogenic climate change in a manner than is the same as the Warmists but uses different language. Here we have Jacob Abel, a youngster attending Seton Hall in NJ but sorta from the Charlotte, NC area, publishing […]