Category Archives: Carbon Credits

Even If You Don’t Believe In ‘Climate Change’, You Should Totally Be Up For A Carbon Tax Or Something

It’s funny how the Warmists are always finding new and exciting ways to push one of their main “solutions”, a carbon tax. Here we have Elen Van Velsor, group leader of the Greensboro chapter and North Carolina’s state coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby, being funny Ellen Van Velsor: This climate-change plan could work This news […]

If Carbon Taxes Were So Awesome, You’d Think Supporters Would Be For Transparency

Here’s a fun one from the land of maple syrup and Tim Horton’s, from the Toronto Sun editorial board, not exactly paragons of ‘climate change’ skepticism EDITORIAL: The carbon tax cover up continues It’s not rocket science. At least it shouldn’t be. Although the way the Liberals are acting you’d think it’s a superhuman feat […]

Climate Change Is Biblical And Playing Out On The News Nightly Or Something

The lengths that Cult of Climastrology members won’t go to in order to implement taxes/fees on citizens "“Climate change used to be an abstraction. It used to be a graph. Now we’re seeing biblical events play out on the 6 o’clock evening news.” — NYT Climate (@nytclimate) March 1, 2018 From the link This […]

Say, How Would A Cap And Trade System Work In Oregon?

The Democrats who run the state government in Oregon are hell bent on passing a carbon tax. Why? Most likely not because they Believe, but, because they want new revenue streams. Voters turned down a corporate tax measure in 2016, and the Leftists have been looking for some other way to hit companies up. So, […]

We Should Totally Be Grown Ups And Implement A “Bipartisan” Carbon Tax Or Something

The Greensboro News and Record runs a “letter” that is actually shilling for a far left climate group Let’s be grown-ups about climate change It’s time for us to talk about climate change like adults. Anthropogenic climate change is a reality. Ninety-seven percent or more of climate scientists agree that climate warming over the last […]

Americans Are Willing To Pay $117 A Year To Stop ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

The Cult of Climastrology members at Vox thing they’re on to something big! (the bold is Vox’s) Designing a carbon tax requires answering two core policy questions. First, how much money should it raise? And second, how should the money be spent? As to the first, the CLC proposal starts at $40 a ton and […]

UN Wants Businesses, Individuals To Take The Carbon Neutral Pledge (and buy UN carbon offsets)

Brought to you by people who take long fossil fueled trips many times a year to attend conferences that complain about Other People taking fossil fueled trips, and refuse to reduce their own carbon footprints (Innovators Magazine) Businesses and individuals are being urged to join a UN initiative and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The United Nations […]

Canada: A Carbon Tax Is More Popular In Theory In Practice

The heck you say! Slim Majority Of Canadians Fret About Carbon Tax In Trump Era: Poll It suggests the idea was more popular in theory than reality. More than half of Canadians want the federal government to halt plans for a national carbon tax if it means it places this country in a competitive disadvantage […]

Good News: Californians Will Continue To Pay Up For ‘Climate Change’

But, hey, this is what they all wanted, right? To pay for this themselves? No? They wanted Other People to pay for their beliefs? Huh Californians pay to fight climate change – and court says they’ll keep paying Californians pay more for gasoline and other goods to finance the state’s war on climate change. The […]

Washington Post Pimps Carbon Tax Again

We’ve already touched on this plan by so-called Republicans and a few liberals, who are essentially pushing a Big Government solution to a problem that cannot be proven. Now we have George P. Shultz and Lawrence Sanders pushing the pimp This is the one climate solution that’s best for the environment — and for business […]

Pirate's Cove