Category Archives: Carbon Credits

We Can Totally Solve Hotcoldwetdry With A Skyhigh Carbon Tax

Isn’t it interesting how personal responsibility is rarely ever mentioned as a solution for ‘climate change’? It’s always things like government restrictions on private citizens and entities, along with taxes and fees Sky-high carbon tax needed to avoid climate catastrophe, say experts A group of leading economists warned on Monday that the world risks catastrophic […]

California Considers “Ambitious” New Cap And Trade System

Because the last one worked so well, let’s try again California Proposes Ambitious New Cap-and-Trade Program This week, a California state senator will introduce legislation that would replace the state’s troubled cap-and-trade program, and eventually establish one of the highest prices for carbon dioxide in the world. Around 90 percent of the revenue from the […]

Are You Ready For Yet Another Conservative Case For Climate Action?

Here we go again: yet another plan to deal with anthropogenic climate change/global warming/we’re doomed!!!!!!!! from a supposedly Conservative point of view. A plan that proves that some Republicans aren’t Conservative in the least, especially when they go running to the NY Times for validation A Conservative Case for Climate Action CRAZY as it may […]

Bummer: Renewables Won’t Stop Climate Doom

Well, that puts a wrench in the monkey works Renewables can’t deliver Paris climate goals: study Expansion of renewable energy cannot by itself stave off catastrophic climate change, scientists warned Monday. Even if solar and wind capacity continues to grow at breakneck speed, it will not be fast enough to cap global warming under two […]

CBC Warmists Rather Shocked That Farmers Aren’t Thrilled By The Carbon Tax

Now, if you enacted a carbon tax that was going to expressly and negatively impact the operations, revenue, and profits of the news media, such as, say, the uber-Leftist Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, do you think they’d continue to Believe this claptrap about anthropogenic climate change, or would they just caterwaul that they should be exempt? […]

Canadians Enjoying Their New Carbon Tax About As Much As You’d Expect

When governments play social justice/climate justice games with citizen’s lives, things tend not to go well Gas prices are rising: Here’s how it will make living in Canada more expensive Canadians living in Alberta and Ontario saw gas prices spike in the New Year due to carbon pricing. But don’t expect the price hikes to […]

NY Times Is Super Enthused By A Carbon Tax….In Washington State

I wonder how enthused the NY Times Editorial Board members would be if the states they reside in initiated a carbon tax, which would hit them personally as well as their employer? Washington State’s Ambitious Carbon Tax Proposal Anybody hoping for a robust national discussion about climate change this election year has been sorely disappointed. […]

Surprise: Ontario Tries To Bury Cost Of ‘Climate Change’ Policy

The cost of the Cult of Climastrology’s policies have real world implications for consumers. They just don’t want you to know about it (Financial Post) Ontario consumers won’t see a separate line item on their electricity bills showing the cost of the Liberal government’s cap-and-trade plan to fight climate change. The Ontario Energy Board has […]

Surprise: California’s Cap And Trade Auction Fails Miserably

Members of the Cult of Climastrology keep telling us that one of the great methods to stop the Earth from burning to a cinder from a marginal greenhouse gas increasing marginally is a cap and trade scheme. How’s that working out in California? Well, you surely read the headline, so (LA Times) The latest auction […]

A Carbon Tax Should Be Placed On The Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun has posted this “letter” from a reader Thank you Sen. Ben Cardin and Rep. John Delaney for introducing “a resolution that calls for 50 percent of the nation’s energy production to come from renewable sources by 2030” (“Cardin, Delaney seek boost in renewable energy,” March 4). Given the science, we know we need […]

Pirate's Cove