Category Archives: Climahypocrites

Colorado Judge Rules Against Exxon Mobile And Suncor Energy, Meaning Trial Could Start Soon

So, is this the point that the companies stop selling their products to, at a minimum, the city of Boulder and San Miguel County? Why would they do business with entities that are suing them? Let them deal with having no fossil fuels and see how that works? Boulder is one big step closer to […]

Greenest Olympics Ever: US Team To Bring Their Own AC

There have been numerous stories about the Paris Olympics, which they said will be super climate cult compliant, so, they were cutting air conditioning, because AC is Bad for global boiling. But, many nations have said “nah, we’re bringing our own, to go with our massive fossil fueled jet and SUV travel.” And no, officially […]

Liberals Concerned SCOTUS May Take Up ‘Climate Change’ Case

Which, obviously, would lead to Democrats whining about the right leaning court which dares to follow the law and the Constitution, rather than their own feelings Supreme Court signals interest in hearing a major climate change case that could be a ‘nightmare’ for liberals The Supreme Court seemed to signal interest this week in taking […]

Paris’ Idea To Have AC Free Olympics Runs Into A Snag

See, Paris really, really, really wants the Olympics with the lowest carbon footprint (except for the hundreds and hundreds of fossil fueled jets, all the FF vehicles), so, they cut the AC at the venues and dorms. They’re expecting about 300K to attend, not including the athletes, trainers, etc. About that Paris wanted an AC-free […]

Americans Are Totally Ready To Take Climate (scam) Action Or Something

Weirdly, they forgot to ask if Americans are willing to spend lots of their own money and give up their freedom and life choices Survey: Americans ready to take climate action Most Americans are willing to take steps to help address climate change, a new survey finds. Why it matters: While some Americans still haven’t accepted climate […]

Sac Bee: Gavin Newsom Is Failing The PRC On ‘Climate Change’

Weirdly, the Sacramento Bee’s Tom Philp is missing a big point (non-paywalled here) As he heads to the Vatican, Gov. Newsom is failing on climate change | Opinion Gov. Gavin Newsom is flunking a key climate change test within a stone’s throw of the Capitol. A freeway widening project on parts of Highway 50 and Interstate 80 […]

Biden Says “Deniers” Are Condemning America To A Dangerous Future Or Something

It’s a good thing Biden isn’t the kind of guy who flew on a jumbo from Delaware to D.C. along with a backup jumbo jet and fighter jets, then take either fly a low MPG military helicopter or travel in a fossil fueled convoy to Triangle, Virginia, which is down near Quantico Biden warns climate […]

Hawaii Water Shortage From Climate Doom Puts Them On “Verge Of Catastrophe” Or Something

Perhaps if they’d shut down all their airports things would get better Hawaii is “on the verge of catastrophe,” locals say, as water crisis continues In Hawaii, one of the most important sayings is ola i ka wai, “water is life” — a phrase that not only sums up what it means to exist on […]

Hotcold Take: Let’s Build A Climate Wall Of Shame

I know how I would do it: I’d put all the climahypocrites on it. Biden, Obama, Kerry, the tens of thousands who fly to climate conferences each year, especially on their private jets. Bill Gates, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DeCaprio, Harrison Ford, most Democrats. For starters. I’d feature a visual representation of Biden heading out for […]

Bummer: Climate Cult Turns On High-Flying Taylor Swift

But, probably not enough to refuse to buy her music and go to her concerts. When do they turn on Biden? The climate lobby has turned on Taylor Swift – and they have a point Cast your mind back to 1989. This was the year when the first ever carbon offsetting forestry scheme was set […]

Pirate's Cove