Category Archives: Climahypocrites

EPA’s New MPG Rules Will Push People In EVs They Cannot Afford

The new EPA rule has the climate cultists really, really excited. I wonder how many of the low and middle class ones realize the rule will make new vehicles unaffordable? E.P.A. Lays Out Rules to Turbocharge Sales of Electric Cars and Trucks The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed the nation’s most ambitious climate regulations to […]

We Must Ban Superyachts To Stop ‘Climate Change’

The NY Times is all in a lather over the superyachts of billionares. Of course, what would actually happen is that the fossil fueled boats of the average person would end up being banned The Superyachts of Billionaires Are Starting to Look a Lot Like Theft If you’re a billionaire with a palatial boat, there’s […]

Who’s Up For A Climate Cafe At A Brewery To Discuss Climate Doom?

In fairness, if they want to do this, go for it. I wonder how long this cult business will last when they do this silly stuff? Climate Cafe creates space for climate change conversations What does a positive climate future look like to you? What are you going to do to achieve that future? What […]

We’re Saved: UN Holding Big Climate (scam) Meeting In Chile

I wonder if they will blame all the earthquakes on ‘climate change’? UN meeting on climate change kicks off in Chile Experts from all over the world convened in Santiago, Chile, Monday for the opening day of a United Nations (UN) week of adaptation to climate change to address impacts and challenges, it was reported. […]

Climahypocrite Climate Czar John Kerry Says It’s Just Fine That The Elites Are Climahypocrites

Well, of course he does. Do you want to give up your modern lifestyle? Do you want to stop driving, stop flying, stop eating meat, turn your AC up to 80 and heat down to 60, etc and so on? No, you don’t, and neither do the vast majority of Warmists, especially the rich Elites, […]

It’s Now Immoral To Oppose Windfarms Near Your Or Something

Remember, this is all about Science! Climate change: Opposing windfarms morally unacceptable – expert Communities opposed to wind turbines in their local area do not have an “acceptable moral position”, according to a climate change expert. Dozens of large-scale windfarm applications are being considered as Wales tries to reach net zero. Campaigners say the ambition […]

Older Americans To Blockade Banks That Fund Fossil Fuels On Tuesday Or Something

See, they already had a lifetime of traveling with fossil fuels to their hearts content. All the planes, boats, vehicles. All the benefits of petroleum to make things like shoes, paint, cassettes, solvents, golf bags, perfume, fishing lures and rods, deodorant, denture adhesive, tennis rackets, cortisone, dentures, golf balls, refrigerators, telephones, and so much more. […]

Secretary Of Navy Says Hotcoldwetdry Is Top Priority

Continuing the them of climate cultists ruining the U.S. military today Navy secretary cited climate change as top priority as Biden proposes shrinking the fleet Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro said he sees fighting climate change as a top priority for the Navy as the Biden administration proposes shrinking the fleet by two […]

Surprise: Bill Gates Doesn’t Want To Give Up His 1%er Lifestyle For Hotcoldwetdry

Even if he gave up half of what he’s doing now he wouldn’t be “impoverished” Bill Gates criticizes idea of leading ‘impoverished lifestyle’ to address climate change Microsoft founder Bill Gates reiterated his view last week in the contentious debate about whether individual sacrifice can make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change, casting doubt […]

Climate Doom Today: Miami Beach, Smartphones, “Real Solutions”

Warmists are so cute when they trot out feel green projects Miami Beach Takes Action to Combat Climate Change with Innovative Seawall Project In the face of rising sea levels and increasing frequency of extreme weather events, Miami Beach has taken a bold step to protect its residents and infrastructure from the impacts of climate change. The […]

Pirate's Cove