Category Archives: Climate Cult

Climate Cult Super Upset That NY Lobbyists “Aiding And Abetting” Climate Doom

It’s almost like the cultists are upset that people have free speech and free will, that they will not comply New York lobbyists ‘aiding and abetting’ climate crisis, research reveals New research reveals that dozens of New York universities, hospitals, museums and non-profits are employing lobbyists that also work for fossil fuel companies, which some […]

Climate Wackos Pour Red Dust On Case Holding Constitution

I’m sure the DOJ will treat these vandals just like the J6 people who wandered around the Capital, right? I'm sure the @DOJ will prosecute, right? "When property damage does not exceed $100, the offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $100,000, one year imprisonment, or both" — William Teach2 […]

Climate Cultists Jump Into Long Island Sound For Global Boiling

We just had Warmists jumping into the Chesapeake Bay, doing the polar bear plunge. Now we have SoundWaters’ Super Splash raises climate change awareness in Stamford Almost 150 people hit the beach in Stamford on Sunday for the inaugural SoundWaters Super Splash. The waters off Cove Island Park registered just above freezing, but that didn’t […]

Your Behavior Must Be Changed To Stop Hotcoldwetdry

It’s strange: one would think that Warmists would voluntarily change their behavior, not have Certain People within the Cult of Climsastrology find ways to force that change. If they really believe Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries Abstract Effectively reducing climate change requires marked, global behavior change. However, […]

Your Fault: Groundhog Predictions Less Accurate

I’m going to do something I rarely do, give you a video as the post, as this is a new one for me. I’ve yet to see the Cult of Climastrology link Groundhog Day to their cult beliefs. Hopefully it will work, since I set this up Thursday night. Link here in case it doesn’t […]

All Those January Winter Storms? Your Faul

Here we go again: the Cult of Climastrology is continuing to blame winter storms of anthropogenic climate change January Was Awash With Extreme Winter Storms. Climate Change Likely Played a Role In the West, Northeast, Midwest and even the South, states experienced downpours, blizzards and flash floods this month. Research suggests those events will only […]

Here We Go: Warmists Now Recommending “Microtransit” Over Public Transportation

First they said everyone had to move out of their fossil fueled vehicles into EVs. Then they immediately said EVs were bad, so, Everyone Else should have to take public transportation. And now To fight climate change, micromobility is a better option than overpriced transit projects Thoughtful transit advocates have cautioned about the escalating costs […]

Good News: German Climate Nuts To Stop Gluing Themselves To Streets

That’s a good thing, right? Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics A group of climate activists who infuriated many in Germany by gluing themselves to streets to block traffic said Monday that it will abandon the tactic and move on to holding what it calls “disobedient assemblies.” The Last Generation […]

Climate Cultists Throw Soup On Mona Lisa

Originally, the news was talking about these being pro-food people supporting the farmers, hence why I ignored it Sunday. But, now we have more information Protesters hurl soup at the ‘Mona Lisa’ in Paris Protesters hurled soup at the “Mona Lisa” painting in Paris on Sunday, but it was protected from damage by its glass […]

Who’s Up For A “Green Sabbath”?

The Washington Post has Ideas on how to help save us from global boiling, by appropriating religious beliefs into their cult Why reviving a 2,600-year-old spiritual practice made my life better Every Friday around sunset, I close my laptop. For 24 hours, my work is done. No email. No news. No social media. If it’s […]

Pirate's Cove