Category Archives: Climate Cult

Death Valley Continues To Sizzle And It Is All Your Fault

You could have given up your fossil fueled travel, stopped using an ice maker, turned the AC up to 80, only bought second hand clothes, given up eating meat, and moved into a tiny apartment in a Progressive city, but, no, you had to do you and cause the Earth to burn California’s Death Valley […]

Climate Crisis (scam) Is Also Impacting Our Brains

It’s always something doomy with these people, and the problem with constantly pitching prognostications of doom is that one always has to ramp up the doom. Where does it end? Climate change isn’t just impacting our environment. It’s also impacting our brains Climate change isn’t just impacting physical health, but new research shows it’s also […]

Hotcold Take: We’re Having The Hottest Weather In 120,000 Years

Oh, you though the climate cults fearmongering over it being the hottest on record (going back to 1979 in the satellite era while also using computer models) was peak cult? Here you go We’re experiencing Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started It’s quite the claim: This week, Earth broke an […]

Surprise: Potential UPS Strike Linked To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

They can’t help themselves, the climate cult just has to involve themselves in everything What Climate Change Has to do With the Looming UPS Union Strike These days, UPS driver Barkley Wimpee prepares for his daily route out of Rome, Ga., with the precision of a battlefield commander. He loads up his cooler with ice, […]

El Nino Plus ‘Climate Change’, But, Mostly El Nino, Means Record Breaking Heat

Again, remember that the record they’re talking about only goes back to 1979, and fails to mention the extreme heat in the 1930’s, nor what may have happened during previous Holocene warm periods El Niño plus climate change means record-breaking heat It is very hot in a lot of places right now. It’s over 100 […]

Washington Post Whines About Fireworks Being Bad For ‘Climate Change’

It’s always some sort of whining from the climate cultists. Bunch of miserable wankers Wildfires are bad for air quality. Fireworks can make the smoke worse. As smoke from Canadian wildfires lingers across much of the United States, Americans will soon experience another smoke show: Fourth of July fireworks. It may come as a surprise, […]

Your Fault: Remaining Calm About Climate Crisis (scam) Will Doom Us All

There have been some climate cultists who have stated that all the fearmongering needs to stop, since it really doesn’t help. Other than those heavily into the climate cult, does it bring anyone into the cult? Does it sway them? Motivate them? Or do the base level Warmists and non-Warmists think these people are as […]

Miami To Spend $8 Million To Indoctrinate Residents Into Climate Cult

This is what you get after 30+ years of spreading awareness, and it’s not like Miami isn’t a Democrat voting city already which is chock full of Warmists already. I guess they need to brainwash more into allowing government to take more of their money and freedom Knight puts $8 million into push to make […]

Once Upon A Time, ‘Climate Change’ Makes Summer 5 Times More Likely

Oh, sorry, I meant “scientists say” Current heatwave across US south made five times more likely by climate crisis The record heatwave roiling parts of Texas, Louisiana and Mexico was made at least five times more likely due to human-caused climate change, scientists have found, marking the latest in a series of recent extreme “heat […]

Climate Cult Meteorologist Quits Over “Death Threats” And PTSD

Kinda funny, since climate cultists have been threatening to jail and kill Skeptics for well over a decade, not too mention taking away people’s money, life choices, and freedom Iowa meteorologist quitting TV, cites PTSD from death threat over climate change coverage An Iowa meteorologist will be leaving his career on television, citing harassment over […]

Pirate's Cove