October 29, 2022 – 7:15 am
It’s really easy to say that climate change is Evil and something Needs To Be Done. It’s something else entirely when you have to pay for your beliefs, right? N.J. residents support climate change defenses but don’t want to pay for them, new poll finds … On the precipice of the 10th anniversary of Sandy […]
October 28, 2022 – 7:00 am
Germans, and German politicians, are realizing that Wind just cannot provide them with the power they need to heat their homes this winter. Unfortunately, they have to look towards coal, which I am not a fan of, as I’ve stated numerous times. But, trying to get natural gas at this time wouldn’t work, they need […]
October 22, 2022 – 3:50 pm
Remember stuff like this? October 18th and Oregon has shit air quality because of wild fires… Climate change is hell — Shamus Cooke (@Shamuscooke) October 18, 2022 https://twitter.com/Smiling_Ken7/status/1582837484316418048 Lots and lots more. But, the reality? Oregon sheriff arrests Forest Service employee for controlled burn that spread A county sheriff in Oregon has arrested a U.S. […]
October 3, 2022 – 3:00 pm
It just goes to prove yet again that people might care about the climate crisis scam in theory, but, in practice? It’s low hanging fruit when compared with real issues How important is climate change to NC voters in the 2022 midterm elections? At a public meeting in Leland last month, officials with Chemours glowingly […]
September 23, 2022 – 7:00 am
This has given LA Times columnist Nicholas Goldberg a big sad Nicholas Goldberg: Americans don’t care about climate change. Here’s how to wake them up Why is the greatest threat to the planet of so little concern to most Americans? It couldn’t possibly be due to the fact that those pushing this the hardest seem […]
September 20, 2022 – 7:00 am
We all know that this suit, like almost all the others, are really being done by the adults, using kids as human shields Kids’ climate change lawsuit tossed by Virginia judge A Virginia state judge has tossed a lawsuit filed on behalf of 13 young people who claim a state law that promotes fossil fuel […]
September 7, 2022 – 3:00 pm
Good news for Warmists: it’s not dead last Environment, climate change a mid-pack concern for older voters, per AARP poll The environment and climate change came in at No. 6 among older voters’ top priorities for Governor. The effects of climate change are such that some politicians will support bills that deal with climate resiliency […]
September 1, 2022 – 7:00 am
Hmm, this is a rather unfortunate headline Scientists warn that climate change is fueling more destructive hurricanes There’s not story, just video. Too bad that For the first time in 25 years, August will not have a named storm — if we make it to the end of the day without one It isn’t your […]
August 31, 2022 – 7:15 am
If you would just be willing to give up your freedom, money, and life choices to Government we could solve this Prehistoric Viking weapons revealed as glaciers melt in Norway during heat wave Archaeologists discovered Viking-era weapons in Norway as the summer’s heat wave melts glaciers across Europe. A research team from the Secrets of the […]
August 29, 2022 – 7:15 am
Sounds like a good use of The People’s (borrowed against the future) money, eh? Majority of funds for climate change program went to repave Bloomsburg parking lots The U.S. Department of Agriculture is sending $740,000 to Pennsylvania for “critical infrastructure to combat climate change” – but most of the money will go toward repaving parking […]