Category Archives: Collapsing Science

Aussie Climate Minister Calls ‘Climate Change’ A Luxury Issue For Voters

She’s 100% correct, but, people are mad that she let the cat out of the bag The Shadow Assistant Minister For Climate Change Says It’s A “Luxury Issue” For Voters Shadow Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy Hollie Hughes reckons that climate change is a “luxury issue” for voters. Hughes was given the role […]

Oops: Biden’s Forestry Service Started New Mexico Wildfires

Hey, remember this? It wasn’t that long ago, just May 4th Climate change is why New Mexico’s wildfire season started early this year The smoke emerges, like a white veil draped across the sky, on the drive up from Albuquerque to this picturesque city of 84,000. Historically, New Mexico’s wildfire season begins in May or […]

HSBC Exec Suspended For Telling The Truth On Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, I’d love to go with the Wall Street Journal piece A Financier Tells Some Climate-Change Truths And for doing so, Stuart Kirk was suspended by HSBC. HSBC executive Stuart Kirk gave a presentation at an investor conference last week, taking banking regulators to task for overbaking the financial risk of climate change. What was […]

Your Fault: Ocean Currents Speeding Up From Hotcoldwetdry

Wait, didn’t they tell us that the ocean currents were all slowing down? I mean, like, just tell us this, and that it would lead to an ice age like in the movie The Day After Tomorrow? The slowing down of ocean currents could have a devastating effect on our climate Atlantic Ocean circulation is […]

The World’s Oceans Might Be Getting Amnesia From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

It’s always something new and bonkers with these people. Can’t they just be a crazy cult like Scientology and keep to themselves? Climate Change May Be Giving the World’s Oceans Amnesia Climate change is making the world’s oceans lose their “memory,” according to new research. A report in Science Advances finds that ocean temperatures are going to […]

HotCold Take: Seas To Rise One Foot By 2050

Observations be damned, the climate cult has a scaremongering narrative to propagate The sea will rise 12 inches by 2050. Here’s what we can do to get ready | CivicCon Rob Young doesn’t know why climate change and sea level rise are such political hot buttons. Part of the problem, he suspects, is that there are […]

New Zealand Is Sinking From Climate Crisis (scam)!

It’s always something loopy with these cultists Climate change has NZ sinking – floods to become routine events Climate change is taking its toll as the sea keeps crawling onto New Zealand’s sinking coastline, halving the time authorities thought they had to take action, according to an NZ SeaRise study released earlier this week. The […]

Surprise: ‘Climate Change’ Ranks Last In CBS Earth Day Poll

You know when ‘climate change’ comes on top? When it is pretty much the only issue on the poll, or when the other stuff is low hanging fruit which no one really worries about in Real Life Earth Day Poll: ‘Climate Change’ Last Priority for Americans “Climate change” is the last priority for Americans and […]

Good News: Supreme Court May Toss “Important Climate (scam) Too”

If Democrats really want this rule, they should attempt to specifically pass it in Congress. That’s where something of this magnitude belongs, not an Executive Branch agency using sorta maybe possibly related in a tiny way language from previous legislation that is really unrelated Supreme Court may toss an ‘important tool’ for regulating climate change […]

Climate Cult Scientists Stage A Worldwide Protest Or Something

They’re calling it “Science Rebellion” Scientists Stage Worldwide Climate Change Protests After IPCC Report Over 1,000 scientists from 25 different countries staged protests last week following the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s new report. The report warned that rapid and deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are necessary by 2025 to avoid catastrophic climate […]

Pirate's Cove