Category Archives: Collapsing Science

Climate Cult Scientists Are Unhappy About This Whole Debate Thing

See, in science, there’s no debate, right? We Are Wasting Time on These Climate Debates. The Next Steps are Clear. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, which was released last week and which we co-authored with many colleagues, offers hope for limiting global warming. But there is no time to waste. And wasted time includes […]

Brandon’s ‘Climate Change’ Agenda Shockingly Polls Pretty Low

When it comes to real world applications, ‘climate change’ almost always polls very low. It might be popular in theory, but, not when you put real issues with it Poll: American Voters Reject Biden’s Climate Agenda – Want Reliable, Affordable Domestic Energy American voters in strong majorities reject Joe Biden’s energy policies designed around so-called climate change […]

New One: Astronomy Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’

In all my years of blogging on anthropogenic climate change, and watching it long before that, I don’t think I’ve ever run across this. It just goes to show that the Cult of Climastrology will blame/link everything to the doomy cult beliefs Astronomy’s Environmental Toll Is Surprisingly High. But There Are Ways to Clean it […]

Your Fault: Hailstorms To Maybe Possibly Get Worse

We can stop this if only you would buy an EV for your trips to go get a soy burger Hailstorms and climate change: What to expect When people think of the most dangerous threats spawned by thunderstorms, tornadoes typically come to mind. Yet in terms of total damage, hail really ought to be front […]

Australian Climate Cult Kids See Court Win Overturned

The shame here is that neither the government nor the court pointed out that the kids could practice what they preach Children’s climate change case overturned on appeal as Federal Court dismisses government’s ‘duty of care’ Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley has successfully argued she does not have a duty of care to protect young […]

Poll: Youngsters Aren’t Real Enthused For Radical Change To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)

Gen Z and Millennials talk a good game on Doing Something about ‘climate change’, especially as climate cult groups enlist their help in lawsuits and such. I’m guess it’s more popular in theory than practice for their own lives Opinion: Young Americans don’t want radical change on climate issues. They want balance For those in […]

Surprise: Vast Majority Of Americans Against Getting Rid Of Fossil Fuels

Biden did spend some time during the SOTU yammering on about EVs and renewables and reducing fossil fuels (when he wasn’t being his normal “what the hell did he say?” guy), but, what do the American people have to say? Americans agree climate change is an issue — but differ on what to do Three-quarters […]

Bummer: Climate Cult Scientists Are Ready To Go On Strike Because No One Is Listening

The thing is, the big shots in the climate cult do listen, and try and shove climate cult policies down the throats of the little people, who are also listening. They just don’t like the policies in practice, knowing how it will hurt their own lives. And, most are tired of the doomy prognostications from […]

Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden’s Attempt To Force ‘Climate Change’ Into Rulemaking

It’s a good thing Biden never really put his law degree to work, because, he sure loses a lot in court US judge strikes down Biden climate damage cost estimate A federal judge on Friday blocked the Biden administration’s attempt to put greater emphasis on potential damage from greenhouse gas emissions when creating rules for […]

Local TV Station, Warmists, Finally Discover Urban Heat Island Effect

Of course, since this is a cult, they’re still going to link anthropogenic climate change to UHI Raleigh, Durham warming: Data shows cities have several urban heat islands Many people might not associate a warming climate with cities and urban areas, but a new project shows how much the increasing global temperature it is actually […]

Pirate's Cove