January 1, 2022 – 3:00 pm
Warmists are super excited about “clean, green energy” right up to the point it moves from theory to practice Lawsuit seeks to block 2 geothermal power plants in Nevada Conservationists and tribal leaders are suing the U.S. government to try to block construction of two geothermal plants in northern Nevada’s high desert that they say […]
December 31, 2021 – 7:00 am
Just what you need with the really expensive car you didn’t want to buy but were forced into, eh? GM heralded this plant as a model for its electric car future. Then its batteries started exploding. Before General Motors recalled the entire fleet of its most popular electric car because of fire dangers, before her […]
December 10, 2021 – 7:00 am
This is all your fault for all those online purchases One of the strongest ocean currents is speeding up, concerning scientists Decades of data have revealed the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the only ocean current that encircles the entire globe, has started flowing faster. The ACC wraps around Antarctica and is a barrier between the […]
December 8, 2021 – 7:00 am
Of course not. Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is popular in theory, not reality, at least when it comes to Warmist’s own lives. They’re good with Doing Something for Other People (No Tricks Zone) The German Tagesschau reports that the 14-29 age goup don’t take the Fridays-For-Future protests as seriously as journalists thought. Afraid, but […]
December 4, 2021 – 4:17 pm
Were they driving fossil fueled vehicles back then? Stone Age Liangzhu civilization collapsed due to climate change – study A Stone Age Chinese civilization known as Liangzhu collapsed as a result of climate change, according to new research published last Wednesday in the peer-reviewed journal Science Advances. The researchers, led by geologists Haiwei Zhang and Hai Cheng of […]
December 2, 2021 – 8:54 am
The surprising thing here is that multiple news outlets published this. Here’s a smattering of what we were seeing over the past months Amnesty warns Madagascar’s famine should be a climate ‘wake-up call’ ‘Heartbreaking’ Madagascar Is Wake-Up Call to Climate Crisis Climate change has pushed a million people in Madagascar to the ‘edge of starvation,’ […]
November 27, 2021 – 7:11 pm
Climate hysteric Michael Smith at Slate, which, not that long ago, wasn’t an unhinged leftist outlet, asks a question What Can Ancient Cities Teach Us About Surviving Climate Change? I’m betting the answer is “climatic changes, both through warm and cool periods, was primarily caused by nature, just like today.” Because that’s what is at […]
November 26, 2021 – 7:00 am
The models are wrong? Who knew? Of course, that doesn’t mean the climate cult will rethink what’s happening, oh, no The Arctic Ocean began warming decades earlier than previously thought, new research shows The Arctic Ocean has been warming since the onset of the 20th century, decades earlier than instrument observations would suggest, according to […]
November 17, 2021 – 4:29 pm
This has made the members of the climate cult very upset US auctions off oil and gas drilling leases in Gulf of Mexico after climate talks Just four days after landmark climate talks in Scotland in which Joe Biden vowed the US will “lead by example” in tackling dangerous global heating, the president’s own administration is providing […]
November 17, 2021 – 8:29 am
Well, really, it doesn’t matter all that much, since most 1st World countries will fail on following through on their pledges Cop26 deal falters after 48 hours as US and Australia hint at no new targets next year The Cop26 deal faltered within 48 hours as the US and Australia, two of the world’s largest emitters, suggested […]