Category Archives: Collapsing Science

Study Blames Warming Arctic For Big Texas Winter Storm

The climate cultists just refuse to give up on their talking point. They came up with a theory, then created data to match it, rather than coming up with a hypothesis and gathering data, testing, reassessing, that whole Scientific Method thing Study: Warmer Arctic led to killer cold in Texas, much of US Warming of […]

Surprise: People Keep Moving To Areas Doomed By Climate Crisis (scam)

Them: we’re doomed by ‘climate change’! Also them: well, things will be fine where I move Climate change be damned. More Americans are moving to high-risk areas Seventeen years ago, when Adriana Nichols moved from New York City to Los Angeles, she had a simple wish list: natural light (her New York studio apartment was […]

Warmist Asks What You Are Willing To Sacrifice To Stop Climate Doom

Excitable Matthew Yglesias does recognize an interesting dichotomy in Warmist beliefs What Are You Willing to Sacrifice to Stop Climate Change? Ours is a populist age, dominated not only by the anti-elitist posturing of Donald Trump and the Republican Party but also by a resurgent left that views “billionaire” as a dirty word. Many of […]

Tiny Homes Won’t Save Us From Climate Doom, But Taxes Will Or Something

Tom Nelson likes to tweet a lot that “we can solve this with a tax.” The best type of sarcasm is that which is completely true Elon Musk’s tiny home won’t help save the world. Paying more taxes would Elon Musk has an enormous rocket and a tiny house. Last year the multibillionaire (who is the second-richest […]

UK To Relax Chinese Coronavirus Rules For U.N. Climate Conference

If you thought some of the rules during lockdown here in the U.S. were crazy, like Michigan governor Whitmer blocking the sale of non-essential items like seeds, Britain was completely nuts (as were other countries). And lots of their restrictions and rules have not been relaxed all that much. But, hey, the U.K. has to […]

That Whole ‘Climate Change’ Is Messing With The Winter Jet Stream? Never Mind

No worries, the Cult of Climastrology will come up with some other Reason Arctic climate change may not be making winter jet stream weird after all An influential, highly publicized theory — that a warming Arctic is causing more intense winter outbreaks of cold and snow in midlatitudes — is hitting resistance from an ongoing […]

Folks In NJ Seaside Town Not Enthused About Extending Rail

Bay Head, NJ, is a town that tends, like the rest of Ocean County, to vote Republican. But, you have a lot of rich, left leaning Democrats from North Jersey who own shore homes there Rich New Jersey Shore Enclave Says No to Climate-Change Rail Project A project to end increasing rounds of flood damage […]

Bummer: NJ Residents Not Interested In Offshore Windfarms To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)

Surprise? They’re not blown away by NJ’s offshore wind power plans New Jersey is moving aggressively to become the leader in the fast-growing offshore wind energy industry on the East Coast, but not everyone is blown away by those ambitious plans. While the state’s Democratic political leadership is solidly behind a rapid build-out of wind […]

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Be Supercharging Poison Ivy

How dare you! This is all your fault Climate change is making poison ivy stronger and itchier Carbon dioxide and warmer soils could be supercharging everyone’s least favorite plant. It either is or isn’t. Could implies that they don’t know, but, then, when has the Cult of Climastrology ever needed scientific facts and proof? Poison […]

Climate Crisis (scam) Is Going Down When Voters Notice The Costs And Restrictions

Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry is Very Important in theory. In practice, voters tend to shoot it down, and few Warmists actually practice what they preach. They mostly think Someone Else, That Guy, Other People should pay the price, and when they realize all the taxes, fees, and restrictions on their own lives will happen, they […]

Pirate's Cove