October 4, 2021 – 8:33 am
Anyone who thinks Leftist movements can’t get even more radical hasn’t been watching. We thought they couldn’t get more crazy and more extreme during the first term of Bush43. The second term was even crazier. And they ramped that up even more during the Obama admin. And even more during the Trump admin. There is […]
October 3, 2021 – 3:19 pm
Hey, remember how the climate cultists said that the jet stream was moving south because of ‘climate change’? Like The idea, first put forth in a 2012 paper by Jennifer Francis, now at the Woodwell Climate Research Center, and Stephen Vavrus, at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, is that two well-established trends — Arctic amplification (intensified […]
September 30, 2021 – 3:00 pm
We’re still on the spreading awareness and scaremongering, rather than Warmists practicing what they preach A dramatic new sculpture of a drowning girl in a Spanish river hints at a dark future. It’s titled, ‘Tomorrow.’ On Spain’s northern coast, residents awoke to a shocking sight last week. The head of a young girl was nearly […]
September 28, 2021 – 3:00 pm
This seems to be a pattern. They keep Blaming the climate emergency, and we keep finding out that the fires were started by people, intentionally and unintentionally, as well as company ineptitude. Here’s yet another What, a wildfire blamed on #ClimateChange was actually started by a "shaman" boiling what she thought was bear urine to […]
September 16, 2021 – 3:00 pm
It’s easy to say you’re Doing Something and being Historic by joining the Historic Paris Climate agreement. It’s another thing to actually have plans in line with Paris, knowing that it will hurt your economy, impoverish the citizens, and create strife, among others Not a single G20 country is in line with the Paris Agreement […]
September 8, 2021 – 4:04 pm
I thought Darwin preached about this stuff and that Leftists were big believers in Darwinism, because those icky Conservatives discuss Intelligent Design and God? Oh, right, only when it helps their screeds Animals are ‘shape shifting’ in response to climate change Some warm-blooded animals are experiencing shifts in their body shapes, likely as a response […]
September 4, 2021 – 7:08 am
The climate cultists just refuse to give up on their talking point. They came up with a theory, then created data to match it, rather than coming up with a hypothesis and gathering data, testing, reassessing, that whole Scientific Method thing Study: Warmer Arctic led to killer cold in Texas, much of US Warming of […]
August 25, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Them: we’re doomed by ‘climate change’! Also them: well, things will be fine where I move Climate change be damned. More Americans are moving to high-risk areas Seventeen years ago, when Adriana Nichols moved from New York City to Los Angeles, she had a simple wish list: natural light (her New York studio apartment was […]
August 17, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Excitable Matthew Yglesias does recognize an interesting dichotomy in Warmist beliefs What Are You Willing to Sacrifice to Stop Climate Change? Ours is a populist age, dominated not only by the anti-elitist posturing of Donald Trump and the Republican Party but also by a resurgent left that views “billionaire†as a dirty word. Many of […]
August 16, 2021 – 7:12 am
Tom Nelson likes to tweet a lot that “we can solve this with a tax.” The best type of sarcasm is that which is completely true Elon Musk’s tiny home won’t help save the world. Paying more taxes would Elon Musk has an enormous rocket and a tiny house. Last year the multibillionaire (who is the second-richest […]